Spawn #1

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Spawn #1
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Spawn #9
Spawn #10
Spawn Records


Spawn #1: Pastel STM (From Straits) X Pastel CTF (From Straits)
Date Of Spawn: 01 November 2001
Spawn Size: 100 - 150
Spawn Code: 2001-SP-10
Parent Code: Op-HM-M3 X Op-CT-F1


Spawn Description:

A very successful spawn with a very cooperative female and a very hardworking male.

Spawning Starts: 01/11/2001
Remove Female: 02/11/2001
Hatch: 04/11/2001
Free Swimming: 05/11/2001
Remove Male: 06/11/2001
Results: 100 - 150 fries feeding on micro-worms (15/11/2001)


Spawn Observations:

21 Nov 2002: Mortality 0%

- Largest fry reach about 7-8mm (30%).

- All ST phenotype
- Some remained small (5mm) and destineed as culls (10%).

25 Nov 2002: Mortality 0%
- Transferred to out-door styrofoam tannk.
- Largest fry reached 10-11mm.

7 Dec 2002: Mortality 5% Cull 5%
- Fries that were small did some spectaacular catching-up work.
- Largest fry reached 15mm.

11 Dec 2002: Mortality 0%
- Separate fries into 2 boxes based on sizes. Managed to get about 40 fries that are of reasonable size.

- Largest fry reached 20mm.

22 Dec 2002: Mortality 0%
- Jarred larger fries into plastic conttainers .

- 30 individuals jarred, 50 in community tanks. 

- Male/Female Ratio 50:50

31 Dec 2002: Mortality 0% Cull 10%
- Jarred the rest of the fries (40 indiividuals).

- Remaining culled or give away.
- Also realized that 30% of the fries hhave missing ventrals. Singled out and waiting to be disposed.

6 Jan 2002:
- Tried to sell fish to LFS but was rejjected.
- Now left about 60 fries that are of rreasonable quality.

12 Jan 2002:
- Gave away at least 30 of the fishes tto Chee Leong, Ooi And Khong. 

- About 12 are ventral-less rejects. 

- Now left 15 that I intend to keep and the rest waiting to be disposed.

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