Spawn #4

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Spawn Records


Spawn #4: Straits Lemon STM (From Straits) X Straits Lemon STF (From Straits)
Date Of Spawn: 10 January 2002
Spawn Size: 100 - 150
Spawn Code: 2002-SP-1
Parent Code: Lm-HM-M1 X Lm-HM-F1


Click here for the Spawn Snap-Shots.


Spawn Description:

Energetic male that built large bubble-nest and eggs were laid with the readied female on the next day of release. The eggs laid were in large quantities which prompted me to expect a large spawn of at least 200 fries.

Spawning Starts: 09/01/2002
Remove Female: 10/01/2002
Hatch: 12/01/2002
Free Swimming: 15/01/2002
Remove Male: 15/01/2002
Results: 100 - 150 fries feeding on daphnia/micro-worm (15/01/2002)


Spawn Observations:

15 Jan 2002: Mortality 0%

- Feeding with micro-worm starts.

28 Jan 2002: Mortality 0%
- Daphnia/Micro-worm fed to fries
- Size: 6mm
- Plan to move them to large tank soon..
- About 30% display DT.

Feb 2002: Mortality 0%
- Fries moved to large tank. 

- Majority without ventrals again.


16 April 2002: Mortality 50%

- Majority of the fries are either under-sized or without ventrals. The complete spawn was culled on 13 April 2002.



The spawn was a failure due to water condition and improper care due to limited number of grow-out tanks. But the finnage of the spawn was excellent with most fries exhibiting secondary if not tertiary splits. Also, the whole spawn display the uniform traits of a Straits Lemon. This is unlike the previous spawn of Straits Violet that threw out many different colorations.


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