Spawn #6

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Spawn Records


Spawn #6: Marble Plakat STM (From Straits) X Marble Plakat STF (From Straits)
Date Of Spawn: 16 April 2002
Spawn Size: 100 - 150
Spawn Code: 2002-SP-4
Parent Code: M-PK-M1 X M-PK-F1


Click here for the Spawn Snap-Shots.


Spawn Description:

The Marble Plakat STM is a very strong and active young fish with interesting coloration on its finnage. Tail spread was good with very straight outmost ray. Hope to achieve Half-Moon like tail spread with straight edges which is different from the usual Round-Tail. The nest that was built was so huge that the eggs are difficult to detect.


As for the Marble Plakat STF, I was able to get a very docile female that succumbed to the male advances with minimal fight. Thus her finnage was mostly intact with minor splits. The female fish has got good finnage and seems to have some Crown-Tail like extensions which when looked closely are DDR.


- Marble Plakat STM: Plakat HM

- Marble Plakat STF: DDR


Spawning Starts: 16/04/2002
Remove Female: 20/04/2002
Hatch: 20/04/2002
Free Swimming: 22/04/2002
Remove Male: 22/04/2002
Results: 200 - 300 fries feeding on micro-worms (22/04/2002)


Spawn Observations:

19 Apr 2002:

- The eggs are beginning to hatch with small black dots clearly visible in the bubble nest.


22 Apr 2002:

- Fries free-swimming.

- Father removed.

- Top-feeder. Good chance that the fries will grow up with ventrals.


29 Apr 2002: Mortality 10%

- Fries suffer minor deaths, 10% fries lost.

- Other fries active and feeding on daphnia and micro-worm.

- Size: 5-6mm


9 May 2002: Mortality 0%

- Size: 8 - 9mm

- Now feeding extensively with daphnia.

- Left about 70 fries


17 May 2002: (Mortality 0%)

- Now feeding on tubifex-worms

- Size: 10 - 15 mm


07 June 2002: (Mortality 0%, Culled 20%)

- Size: 2.5 cm

- Left about 50 fries


Conclusion (07 June 2002):

Spawn threw out variety of colors ranging from Red to Blue to Black and lots of Multis. In fact .. some MG look-alike too!!!


The marbling process is changing the fries color rapidly. So the color of the fries are not stable yet at this stage (2 months). Some will lose all colors while some will marble out to become beauties.


Finnage wise ... there are some HM plakats with good tail spread. But at the same time I got some veil-tails and crown-tails. For the veil-tails ... they will be the first one to be cull.


Conclusion (24 June 2002):

The marbling process for most fries have settled down and the spawn threw out very interesting fishes. After the initial selection process, I have from the spawn:



- 2 Marbles with 170 deg caudal

- 1 Opaque female with very clean body


Crown Tails:

- 2 Reds with good crown extension

- 5 Marbles with good crown extension

- 3 MGs with lousy crown extensions (culled)


Double Tails:

- 1 Marble DT with crown extensions and it looks very unique.


And together with what is mentioned above, I have from the spawn some Marble CTFs, Marble Plakat females.


I am currently attempting another spawn of the HM plakat with both parents having marble genes. Stay tune.



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