Spawn #9

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Spawn #9
Spawn #10
Spawn Records


Spawn #7: Steel Blue DTM (From Straits) X Royal Blue STF (From Straits)
Date Of Spawn: 22 June 2002
Spawn Size: >800
Spawn Code: 2002-SP-9
Parent Code: B-DT-M1 X Rb-ST-F1


Click here for the Spawn Snap-Shots.


Spawn Description:

This is the same pair that is being used in Spawn #7.


- Steel Blue DTM: nice DT loops, > 170 degree

- Royal Blue STF: 120 degree, tertiary spilts


The first spawn that the pair produced threw out some fishes very pretty good finnage.


The pair was put together again 21 June 2002 night and was seen spawning the next afternoon 2:00pm. The mating ritual was violent and the female was badly battered. She succumbed to the advancement eventually and the spawning process was smooth since.


In this spawn, the female was pretty battered but the male was in perfect condition with no fin tear at all.


Spawning Starts: 22/06/2002
Remove Female: 23/06/2002
Hatch: 24/06/2002

Free Swimming: 26/06/2002

Remove Male: 26/05/2002

Results: >800 fries


Spawn Observations:

22 June 2002:

- Eggs were laid.

- initial estimate of 100-200 eggs laid.


5 July 2002: (Mortality Rate: 0%)

- The spawn was exceptionally big, far exceeding the initial estimate of the spawn size.

- Spawn size: >800 fries.

- Feeding on purely daphnias and was moved to out-door tank when they are about 2 weeks old.

- all fries surviving well with almost zero mortality rate.


20 July 2002: (Mortality Rate: 0%)

- The spawn was introduced to the 5 ft out-door grow-out tank that was newly purchased.

- all fries at about 8mm.


30 July: (Mortality 100%)

- The spawn contacted white-spot and was left un-treated which lead to the eventual wipe out of the whole spawn.


Conclusion (30 July 2002)

Total Failure. Lesson learnt is that daphnias could be the cause of the virus attack. The fries were feeding very extensively on pure daphnia diet.


But personally don't think the outcome of the spawn is good judging from the previous spawn that the same pair gave.


Currently attempting few other Irids lines:

Line 1: Richard Yu Melano Steel STF X Straits Turquoise STM

Line 2: Richard Yu Melano Steel STF X Artison Royal Blue STM

Line 3: Richard Yu Melano Steel STF X Royal Blue STM (Source Unknown)

Line 4: Artison Turquoise STF X Artison Royal Blue STM


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