John Tyler

Tenth President 1841-1845


Born: March 29, 1790 in Charles City County, Virginia.

Education: College of William and Mary at Williamsburg, Virginia.

Occupations: Lawyer, public official; college chancellor.

Religion: Episcopalian.

Family Life: Married Letitia Christian in 1813; they had five daughters and three sons. She was the first President's wife to die in the White House, Letitia Tyler ended her days peacefully on September 10, 1842, she was taken to Virginia for burial at the plantation of her birth . After her death he married Julia Gardiner in a White House ceremony; they had five sons and two daughters. Julia died in Richmond in 1889, she is burried at her husband's side.

Political career: Son of the governor of Virginia, entered politics in state legislature, 1811; was United States representative and then senator from Virginia; also state governor, 1823-25. Broke with the Democrats to join the Whigs, who nominated him for vice-president; became president on Harrison's death, but lost power in conflict with Whig leader Henry Clay. Retired from politics until 1865, when he attempted to bring about North-South compromise.

Highlights of his presidency: Reorganized Navy. Ended Seminole War. Signed treaty with China.

Appearance: Tall, thin, and fair.

Died: January 18, 1862 at Richmond, Virginia.

Burried: hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia


  • White House on John Tyler
  • Britannicas: John Tyler
  • Groliers Biography
  • Inaugural Address, 1841
  • Sherwood Forest Plantation




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