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The Day the Digging Stopped

In Memoriam 9-11

It was pouring rain when I woke up this morning. I'm glad it was, because now the air is fresh and cool, the birds are singing sweetly in the trees, and the sun is starting to shine over a new day. It's almost impossible on days like this to believe there is any place on earth that is not so blessed....

But today it won't matter what the weather is like in New York City. No amount of sunshine will make things bright. Today the digging is over. And there are still hundreds upon hundreds of families who have not recovered their loved ones. They never will.

Today will not be a bright day in New York City because these families have nothing to bury. This horrible act of evil that took their loved ones without warning has also hidden them forever. The families have no body to say goodbye to.

Nobody to say goodbye to.

They had no chance to say goodbye.

Nothing to say goodbye to but photos and an empty space in the skyline.

I grieve with you.

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