Angel 7 mos.

Angel 16 weeks

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Angel 6 1/2 mos.

If you have a Yorkie-Maltese mix, please email a photo with your dog's name and a short blurb about your pet (your name and state are optional). Angel and I are so anxious to see all of the other Yorkie-Maltese who look like her!!
Email me at: blt222 at embarqmail dot com
(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep "spiders" from picking it up and sending junk mail)

Don't forget to visit Angel's very own site!

This is Milo at 3 months old(left) playing outside on his first day home.  He loves the grass and chasing bugs, but his favorite hobby is sleeping and cuddling with us.  We have only had a him a week, but fell in love with him the first moment we saw him.  You can't help but fall for him instantly, as he is seriously the most adorable pet Milo - 1 yearever : ) Milo certainly is stunning! Update (right) Milo at 1 year. Milo has the best personality I have ever seen in a dog.  He seriously LOVES everyone!  He likes other animals, but definitely prefers humans.  We go to the dog park and he has to run up to every single person and say hello.  Everyone agrees that he is the sweetest dog they've met : ) (Milo turned out to be a handsome boy! Thank you for sending in his birthday picture. ~Barbara)

Lune 6 mos.

I just wanted to share some pictures of Lune 18 yorkie- maltese mix...her name is Lune (left: 6 mos. 3.5 lbs) and she has a yorkie face, the overall features of a maltese, with the colors of a golden retriever. (right: 18 mos. 7.5 lbs) She is hyper like a yorkie and has the princess attitude of a maltese, but very understanding and charming attitude. She is a big hit at my office with my patients and with all the friends around us. She's a big hit anywhere she goes actually. Proud parent: Betty, Irvine, CA. (Well, Lune is a little darling! It's no wonder everyone is in love with her! ~Barbara)
Buddy and BusterHello! I am sending you pictures of my precious little guys! We named them Buddy and Buster! They are such a joy to our family! It was love at first sight! In fact we only went to get one!! Proud Mom: Angela (B & B are so adorable! You are going to love them more and more! When I got Bailey & Cricket, I went to get only one also! ~Barb) Baxter 2yrs 6 mosBaxter is 2 1/2 years old and we just think he is the cutest funniest little dog we have ever had.  We saw your picture of Angel on the internet website and were amazed at how much she looked like a tan female version of him.  She is adorable! Proud Mom: Monica Kempton (Baxter is a good looking boy! And he does look like my little Angel :-) ~Barbara

This is Wicket. (L: 1 yr. R: 9 mos)He is 1/2 yorkie and 1/2 maltese. He is the sweetest little angel. He has the most personality I have ever seen, he is very intelligent and loves to cuddle. When he was a puppy he resembled a yorkie but as he has grown his colour has washed out and he is now tan with some black tips. Soooo cute. He has a sweet little puppy face and as you can see one ear stands up and the other flops down. Life has not always been easy for Wicket, when he reached 6 months old he became sick and extremely thin, symptoms included cronic vomiting and diarrhea, he seemed to be unable to eat regular dog foods. After several months of vet exams they believe he may have a disorder called inflammatory bowel disease which has resulted in lymphangiectasia. Wicket is now on a special homemade diet and the symptoms seem to have subsided. The vets say this is common in these breeds. I'm interested to hear from others to see what they find helps their precious baby! Proud Mom: Alicia-Alberta, Canada (Wicket is just precious! If anyone out there has a baby with these symptoms, please email me and I will forward the info on to Alicia. ~Barbara)

LeeLooHello!  I love your site!  I have just recently been blessed with a new puppy, she is 10 weeks old.  Mother is a Yorkie, father Maltese.  She has brought me so much joy!  Her name is LeeLoo.  I have included a picture. Proud Mom: Amy H., Atlanta, GA (LeeLoo is a beauty! Please send in her 6-month picture. ~Barbara) Zoe 18 mos.Zoe is 18 months, her mother is a 7lb Maltese and her dad was a 5lb Yorkie. She was the only pup born. The breeder breeds wonderful Yorkie's I saw both parents, beautiful dogs. My family bought her for me after my poodle past way. Proud Mom: Nina Brown (Zoe is a cutie! Love the coloring. She has an "Angel" face. ~Barbara)

LillyHello Barbara! May I introduce to you Morkie-Babygirl Lilly, our new Morkie-cutie family member. She was born at our home on May 17, 2008. Lilly has 2 Morkie brothers and 2 Morkie sisters. Lilly is Nanouk's half-sister. Proud mom: Karin - Austria (Wow, Lilly is a beautiful little girl! ~Barbara) See Nanouk on page 12.

This is Saya my five month old yorky/maltese mix....she loves picking on my german shepard and snuggling with me at night! Shes my baby :) Proud Mom: Whittney (Saya is a little cutie - and has such a innocent face :-) ~Barbara)
Hi - Just discovered your site and have it marked as a favorite now.  It was so lovely to see all the lovely pups and varieties of looks that the morkie can present as.  I wasn't even thinking of getting a puppy when I got Abby until I saw a picture of her on the net.  She is 3 months old in the first picture and in the second she is 7 months old. Although my husband was not too excited about getting her he is now her 'daddy' and wouldn't be without her.  Proud Mom: Heather Shephard (Well, Abby is just a little doll baby! Love her coloring! ~Barbara)

Here is a picture of Pixie Stix, our little Morkie. She is 9 weeks old. She lives with Yorkie Mom, Taffy, Maltese Dad, Cupcake, and 2 pack buddies Bon-Bon a poodle and Twinkie a Yorkie. She weighs under a pound and is a little sweetie. 
Proud Mom: Cynthia
(Pixie looks exactly like my little Cricket at that age! What a precious face! ~Barbara)

Send in your baby's picture and be the first on page 14!

Angel 3 years 1 moAngel insisted I put her picture on this page! She wanted to share her duck with all of her friends and thank them for sending in their pictures! (Angel turned 5 on
June 20, 2008) Click on Angel's picture to see her very own page.

Happy 5th Birthday, ANGEL!


Meet Angel's new brother, "Dancer"!
A Parti Color Standard Poodle!
And her newest brother, Cooper, a Red Standard Poodle.
Angel has two new yorkie/maltese brothers! Come see Bailey & Cricket!
Check out the new "Dogs, dogs, dogs" page!

When sending in pictures, please send only puppy picture and 1st birthday picture. If your puppy's 6-month picture is already posted, it will be replaced with the 1st birthday picture.

(Please tell me what page your baby is on when you send in new pics)

If you've had trouble getting to this site, it's because it's getting over 5,000 hits a month and my host is shutting it down for an hour now and then because that's too many hits for a "free site". Free sites are allocated so much bandwidth an hour, and this site is exceeding the amount!! So sorry for any inconvenience. ~Barbara

When sending in 6-month and 1-year pictures, please tell me what page your baby is on!!
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For more pictures of Angel, please visit her very own site!!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)

Health information

Getting a new puppy? Please read "I Am Your Puppy"

If you have a mixed breed dog (other than a Yorkie-Maltese mix), add his/her picture to my "All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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New pictures added on May 15, 2009

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