Angel 7 mos.

Angel 16 weeks

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Angel 6 1/2 mos.

Angel 12 weeksIf you have a Yorkie-Maltese mix, please email a photo with your dog's name and a short blurb about your pet (your name and state are optional). Angel and I are so anxious to see all of the other Yorkie-Maltese who look like her!!
Email me at:
blt222 at embarqmail dot com

(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep "spiders" from picking it up and sending junk mail)

Don't forget to visit Angel's very own site!


This is Sontee, she's a Yorkie/Maltese mix. Her mom is Maltese and dad is Yorkie. She's a small little thing but is very feisty for 8 weeks. She loves to play ball and run (more like hop cause of her short lil legs). Parent: Harriet -Maryland
(What a little doll baby! Looking forward to her 6-mo. and 1 year pictures. ~Barbara)

Paige 12 weeksPaige 18 weeksHi Here is my Yorkie/Maltese puppy Paige. She just lost her first tooth last night, we're so proud! :) Paige quickly became the love of my life, who knew a 4.6 lb puppy could offer so much love!
Parent: Erin - MN

Left: 12 weeks Right 18 weeks.
She is just beautiful, Erin! What a darling little face. I'm sure she has you wrapped around her little paw! Looking forward to her 6-mo. picture!! ~Barbara

ChloeHi, this is Chloe at 3 months (left). Though she is a holy terror, we love her. Parent: Donna B.(She is a little Chloe 1 yeardoll baby, Donna! What a beautiful little face. She is ADORABLE!!!! I LOVE her ears!! And what a precious face. ~Barbara
Left: Chloe on her first birthday! What a beautiful little girl you are, and Happy Birthday! ~Barbara

Garth 3 mos.Hi my name is Brandy and I am from Alberta, Canada. I have a Yorkie/ Maltese, his name is Garth. I couldn't imagine my life without him. He's always so upbeat and happy. Everyone falls in love with him when they see him and he loves people. Just waiting to see how long his hair will get because he's 3/4 yorkie. Garth was born on September 11 so he's only about 4 months. We just went to the vet and he is 5 lbs. Thank you for the wonderful website, its nice to see other dogs of this breed. Parent: Brandy (He's a very handsome little guy, Brandy! Looking so forward to watching him grow up!! ~Barbara
Oliver Twist - 8 wks.Here is a wonderful picture of 8 week old Oliver Twist. Oliver and 50 other dogs were rescued from a Puppy Mill, by the shelter I volunteer at. With the popularity and the high prices that Maltese/Yorshire Terrier dogs are commanding, unscrupulous breeders are now breeding this mix. The conditions that these animals were living in broke by heart. Cages stacked on top of each other, feces and urine covered dogs, with no food or water. If the dogs didn't produce litters they were starved. Many dogs did not survive, but all that did survive have found good homes. For many of these dogs this is the first time they have had a warm home, food, water and a caring hand. Oliver now lives with me and is much loved. I own a clothing store and take him to work with me everyday. I have pictures of the sad animals at the mill where Oliver lived, I show them and teach customers why you shouldn't buy dogs. Now that this breed and other "toy" dogs have become an accessory item for the rich and famous, wait awhile and there will be plenty available at your local shelter. I know this, because of Oliver over 3 dogs have been adopted from local shelters in just the last 3 weeks. He is the best teacher! Oliver says "Please don't buy dogs from pet stores, if you must buy from a breeder, ask to see the parents. If they won't produce the parents be suspicious, be very suspicious. Please don't get a dog just because a celebrity has one. Go to the shelters, many wonderful dogs are killed everyday that are just as cute as me!"
NOTE from Barbara: I chose to print this entire email as it was sent to me in the hopes that we can all do our part to shut down the awful puppy mills operating all across this country. Know where your puppy is coming your research, and do not buy puppies from pet stores!! Know the breeder, visit and see first-hand the conditions your puppy is coming from. To order over an internet sight unseen is ludicrous - you could be buying from a puppy mill as described in this email. We can make a difference - each and everyone of us, one step at a time.
To Oliver's mom - thank you from the bottom of my heart for rescuing this precious puppy. It saddens me to know these puppies had to live one second without the proper care and love they deserve. You and the others who adopted these puppies are to be commended for the love you have shown to God's creatures. I, for one, thank you. ~Barbara
Sassy 4 mos.Sasha (Now Sassy) 4 months old and 1.75 lbs. the day we got her. Thank you so much for your site. Before I found you, I wasn't sure what my baby really was. The person who sold her to me had her advertised as a West Highland. I knew she was wrong the minute I saw her, but knew she was my dog immediately. She now weighs 3.4 lbs. and I would pay double for her! Parent: Penny - Fountain Valley, CA. (Oh my goodness, Sassy is an absolute doll baby! She definitely is a yorkie/maltese mix - no doubt in my mind! She's beautiful!! Send more pics!!~!Barbara)

DukeThis is my new morkie pup to be. I will be getting him this Thursday and couldn't be more excited! He was only 1.3 lbs last week at 8 weeks, so he's going to be tiny!! I think I will name him Duke! Isn't he adorable?! Parent: Marissa B.

(Oh my goodness - he is a handsome little boy! Can't wait to watch him grow up! ~Barbara)

Zelda 2 mos.Zelda  9 mos.I just stumbled on your site and thought I would share pictures of my puppy! Her name is Zelda. She's 1/2 yorkie and 1/2 maltese and was born around April 8th, 2004. I've attached a picture of the day we first brought her home on June 8th, 2004. My husband bought her as our 2nd anniversary gift. She is an absolute angel and loves to chase her "brothers", our cats Mario and Yoshi. She's an absolute joy and is totally a "Mama's girl". Proud parents are Paul and Katy in McKinney, TX.
(She is a precious little girl! Her coloring is just beautiful - almost silver? Thank you for sharing Zelda with everyone. Don't forget the first birthday picture!~Barbara)

GinnyI also have a yorkie-maltese mix! She is jus the cutest puppy ever! And she’s so friendly. Her name is Ginny.
Parent: Shannon P. - Fall River, MA

She's adorable!! I love the little hair cut :-) ~Barbara

WilsonHere is cute little Wilson!! His proud parent is Britt.

What an adorable face!! ~Barbara

Ava"Anniversary Ava Galore", (Ava for short) who was born March 3rd, 2005. She is my 10 year Anniversary present from my husband. So, our family has now jumped to 3 lil girls...! Ava is just a cutie... and only 7 weeks old...! Parents: DeeAnne and Derek, Hopkins, MN (Ava is adorable!!! Note: Ava is Diva's new sister - see Diva on page 3) ~Barbara Cricket - 1 yearThis is little Cricket and she is a precious baby doll!! Parent: Robin
(Woo-hooo Cricket!! You are Beeee-uuuu-ti-ful!!! Angel loves your little purple bow :-) ~Barbara

When sending in pictures, please send only puppy picture and 1st birthday picture. If your puppy's 6-month picture is already posted, it will be replaced with the birthday picture.

(Please tell me what page your baby is on when you send in new pics)

If you've had trouble getting to this site, it's because it's getting over 5,000 hits a month and my host is shutting it down for an hour now and then because that's too many hits for a "free site". Free sites are allocated so much bandwidth an hour, and this site is exceeding the amount!! So sorry for any inconvenience. ~Barbara

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For more pictures of Angel, please visit her very own site!!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)

If you have a mixed breed dog (other than a Yorkie-Maltese mix), add his/her picture to my "All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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New pictures added on May 15, 2009

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