Angel 7 mos.

Angel 16 weeks

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Angel 6 1/2 mos.

Angel 12 weeksIf you have a Yorkie-Maltese mix, please email a photo with your dog's name and a short blurb about your pet (your name and state are optional). Angel and I are so anxious to see all of the other Yorkie-Maltese who look like her!!
Email me at:
blt222 at embarqmail dot com

(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep "spiders" from picking it up and sending junk mail)

Don't forget to visit Angel's very own site!

Mr. Sil - 5 mos.We recently purchased a little 5 monthMr. Sil - One Year! old Maltese/ Yorkie.. He is beautiful and the love of our lives. His name is Mr. Sil.. He is currently 4lbs... and very very smart. Parent: Leah, and proud Grandmother: Georgia
(What a darling little face! Looking forward to seeing your 1-year picture! ~Barbara)
Update: Right - Mr. Sil at a year old - Isn't he just beautiful!!! However, poor Mr. Sil has to have his back right leg operated on next month to replace his knee. He should be as good as new after surgery. He is currently 8.5 lbs. (He is just the most handsome boy! I hope his surgery goes well - Angel, me and all of his yorkie/maltese friends send lots of love his way!!~Barb)

Tucker 6 mosTucker, a Yorkie/ Maltese, enjoying a dip in the pool at 6 mos. and cute as a button at 8 mos.!

Tucker loves to cuddle and is spoiled by his mom, Jill M. (What an adorable little guy, Jill! Looking forward to his 1-year picture. ~Barbara)

Truffles Carmella & Mo-Pumpkin-3 mos.

Truffles Carmella (left) & Mo-Pumpkin (right) 3 months Maltese-Yorkie Mix Sister puppies. I have Truffles Carmella & "my sister" has Mo-Pumpkin. Truffles has her Yorkie Daddy's eyes & Pumpkin has her Maltese Mama's eyes. Truffles weighs 2.4 oz & Pumpkin weighs 2.2 oz. They are absolutely adorable !!!!

Truffles 1 yearLeft: Truffles Carmella one yr photo. Still Pumpkin 1 yearonly weighing 3.8 oz, this little FIRBALL has pogo-sticks for legs....she loves to jump, run and play. She has a beautiful long fox colored tail but would not hold it up for the photo. We love her with all our heart. Right: Little Pumpkin at 4 lbs. 2 oz. (What a little cutie pie you are, Pumpkin! ~Barb)(Marilyn - Truffles certainly has grown into a beautiful little girl - even if she does have "stick lege" :-) Angel has sticks, too, and I think they're cute!!! In fact, Truffles looks SO much like Angel!)

Lola 1 year

Lola, from Island Park, NY, is an adorable and very smart "furry" baby who's very pretty and a very happy one year old. She was born on June 20, 2003 and when we got her she weighed 3 1/2 lbs. She now weighs in at 10 lbs. She's adored by everyone.When Lola greets us or our friends and family, she smiles. That means her upper lip goes up, she shows her teeth and she is actually grinning. Our trainer told us that in all the dogs he's trained he's only had 3 "smilers" over the years. Morkies are the best! Parent: Ellen
(She is BEE-U-TIFUL!!!!!!!! ~Barbara)

Rocco 7 wksThis is Rocco, my 7 week old yorkie/Maltese mix. He is 3.5 pounds, I think he is going to be a big boy. He is already on his way to being potty trained at such an early age. He's amazing! I just got him two days ago and we are already so attached to him. He is going to be so spoiled. Parent: Lisa - California

(Wow, Lisa - he is beautiful! I guess I should say "handsome". I am so anxious to see how much he changes by the time he is 6 months old - so don't forget to send in his picture! ~Barbara)

Chopper 6 wks.This is "Chopper" my Yorkie/Maltese baby. He is 6 weeks old. He is already climbing stairs and chasing his big St. Bernard brother around. I have never had a dog with such a sweet heart! Obviously he is taking after the maltese with his snow white fur. Thanks for putting my baby online. Mommy is Amy and Daddy is Jr from Kentucky. (Chopper-what a unique name for such an adorable little guy! Amazing picture of Chopper and his BIG brother!)

Right: Here is Chopper's 1 year photo with his new friend (our first baby) Jon. He was born on July 7 and Chopper's 1st birthday was the 15th of July, What a great present for him, a new little friend to play with! (Well, Chopper - you are a handsome little guy on your first birthday! Happy Birthday! And congratulations on your new little brother, Jon - what an adorable family.~Barbara

Gypsie 1 year



"Gypsie", a yorkie/maltese, entered our home on Sept 11. I will never forget the date...She brought joy and laughter to a lot of people. She was born July 4. Funny since she is a Canadian dog! LOL Her father is Yorkshire and her mother is Maltese. I LOVE her so much. She is so affectionate. I could go on and on .....with pics from our Gypsie....She reminds me a lot of the famous Benji. Thanks for keeping up the means a lot...give a hug to Angel from me and Gypsie! Proud parent: Julie Charette - Canada(Happy Birthday, Gypsie! You are one adorable young lady! ~Barbara & Angel)

When sending in pictures, please send only puppy picture and 1st birthday picture. If your puppy's 6-month picture is already posted, it will be replaced with the birthday picture.

(Please tell me what page your baby is on when you send in new pics)

If you've had trouble getting to this site, it's because it's getting over 5,000 hits a month and my host is shutting it down for an hour now and then because that's too many hits for a "free site". Free sites are allocated so much bandwidth an hour, and this site is exceeding the amount!! So sorry for any inconvenience. ~Barbara

SplintHere is a picture of my precious Ms. Splint. She is a Yorkie/Maltese blend. She is a pet therapy dog and loves to do tricks for the folks at the nursing homes. She also performs at fund raisers for local non-profit organizations. Her best trick is she paints pictures with her paws. We donate them to local non-profit organizations for resale. She is a star! Parent: Kim L. (I am shocked at how much Ms. Splint looks like my little Angel! She is Beautiful!!! ~Barbara)

Truffy - 10 wks.

Left: Truffy 10 wks. I just fell inTruffy 9 mos. love with my Yorkie/Maltese puppy... His name is Truffy and he's a cutie and full of energy, you can see him bouncing off the walls. I was also happy with the breeder, she was the nicest person ever, she told me that she only gets mixed breed like once in a while. Anyway, here's the pic of my baby and he's 10 wks old and almost 2lbs. Parent: Kristine
Right: 9 mos. He is ADORABLE!!!!! Wow - how he has changed in just a few months!
(Yes, he certainly is a beautiful little guy! Now waiting for his first birthday picture!! ~Barbara)

Snickers 4 mo.This is Snikers a.k.a. "The Snick" (named after the candy bar.....bite size:). He is a 4 month 3lb yorkie/maltese southern charmer. A perfect mix of lap dog and terrier spunk. Parent: Rachael B. (Absolutely outstanding face!! ~Barb)

Moose" Moose" will be year old October 20, 2004. His mom is a Maltese and his daddy is a yorkie. He has the best personality. Everything in life is good to him. He weighs in at 10.5 lbs. I don't know where the weight is coming from. His Mom is 6 lbs and his dad is 5 lbs. His 3 sisters are all under 5 lbs. My husband says he is trying to live up to his name. Parents: Shelby & Vince (This little guy is precious!! And yes, maybe he is trying to live up to his name! {{smile}} But he is adorable anyway :-) ~Barbara)

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For more pictures of Angel, please visit her very own site!!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)

6-month pictures are starting to come in!!! They are all getting so beautiful!!
Mark your calendars to send in your 1-year picture ! ! !

Getting a new puppy? PLEASE read
" I Am Your Puppy "

If you have a mixed breed dog (other than a Yorkie-Maltese mix), add his/her picture to my "All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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New pictures added on May 15, 2009

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