Angel 7 mos.

Angel 16 weeks

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Angel 6 1/2 mos.

Angel 12 weeksIf you have a Yorkie-Maltese mix, please email a photo with your dog's name and a short blurb about your pet (your name and state are optional). Angel and I are so anxious to see all of the other Yorkie-Maltese who look like her!!
Email me at:
blt222 at embarqmail dot com

(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep "spiders" from picking it up and sending junk mail)

Don't forget to visit Angel's very own site!

PreciousThis is my little doggie "Precious"! When I first saw her, I said "You are sooo precious, well, that is going to be your name from now on". And, she IS precious! She is 4 lbs, black, and pretty much looks like a Black Maltese. She is lively, LOVES to play ball, I cuddle & give her hundreds of kisses! She loves children, and people of all ages and also animals! Since she is small, I take her most places with me. I just LOVE her! Parent: Ileen M. (Precious indeed!!!~Barbara)

When sending in pictures, please send only puppy picture and 1st birthday picture. If your puppy's 6-month picture is already posted, it will be replaced with the birthday picture.
(Please tell me what page your baby is on when you send in new pics)

Getting a new puppy? PLEASE read
" I Am Your Puppy "

Bobka 4 mos.This is our baby boy Bobka. He justBobka 1 year turned a year. He is a beautiful, sweet, loving yorkie/
maltese mix. He is the nicest dog in NYC- he loves all people and dogs and even pigeons. Parent: Candice F.
(Note: What an adorable face!! I love the "one ear up, one ear down" stage, don't you? ~Barbara)

Emmie 8 weeksAngelI have attached pictures of my two yorkie /maltese dogs to share with you. The older dogs name is "Angel" as she is the most affectionate and loving little dog I have ever met. The puppy, Emmie, is 8 weeks old in this picture (she is 11 weeks now) and is a little pistol! Angel loves to carry toys in her mouth and stands on your chest until you pretend to put them in yours! Emmie is a bit chubby, very clumsy, and very talkative. They love to wrestle and bury things in the couch and on their blankets.
Parent: Toni (BEAUTIFUL little girls!! ~Barbara)

Dalton James 8 wks.Hi! My name is Dalton James Greer. My mommy is a Maltese, and my Daddy is a Yorkie. My parents call me a "little hellion", but I don't know what that means. Maybe that is a puppy who accidently pierced my new Daddy's ear while playing with it. Parent: C.D. Greer
Below right: Dalton at ONE YEAR!!! I can't believe this is the same little boy - he is ADORABLE! Happy Birthday, Dalton!! ~Barbara & Angel

Lucy Loo 8 weeks Lucy Loo - 1 year!



This is my little baby girl Lucy. She's a yorkie-maltese. She's a little social butterfly. So much fun!! Parent: Lisa
RIGHT: Lucy Loo at 1 year!!!! (Yeah! You are beautiful, Lucy!!!! Wooo-Hoooo!! ~Barb)

Titan - 2 monthsThis is my little guy, "Titan," a yorkie-maltese. Pictured here at 2 months old and 2.0 pounds. How could you not love this face.
Parent: Kim T. - Tustin Ranch-CA
(Oh, what a beautiful little guy! Love the coloring!! - Don't forget 6-month picture! ~Barbara)

Maya 7 wks.Maya-3mos.This is Maya, a Yorkie/Maltese mix at 7 wks. and 3 mos. old. She spends a good deal of time on her back gettin' her tummy rubbed. She last weighed in at the vet a little over a week ago ...2 lbs 10 oz. She eats like a little piglet but runs it off like a squirrel. I can't imagine being without her...she's such a joy. Mommy: Diana M. - Florida (Wow - what a gorgeous face! She is an absolute doll baby, Diana! More pictures, please!!! ~Barbara)

BaileyBaileyHello, I just visited your website and I think it absolutely adorable! I attached photos of my little yorkie maltese. Meet Bailey, he is a two year old Gemini who I love to pieces. Bailey is a cutie who loves to snuggle right next to me at night and enjoys a good day at the dog park. I hope to get another soon, but right now it is all about this little fellow. Parent: Amy ~ Palm Beach, FL (What a cutie! Just adorable :-) ~Barbara) TallicaLet me introduce myself! I'm a Maltese/Yorkie living in North Dakota! My name is Metallica Khan ('Tallica for short), and I'm 8 weeks old! I keep my mom and dad busy, but I'm a really good boy! I love my Grandmama Ellen who loves me too! I'm only 2.5 lbs, but I act like a big boy. I'll send more pictures as I get older!
Parents: A and C Khan
(Beautiful face!! Looking forward to watching you grow up! Remember to send your 6-month picture in! ~Barbara)
Joey - 2 yearsI've just come across the "Angel Look-Alikes", and thought I'd share a photo of our 13 lb. Joey -- half Maltese, half Yorkie. He's two years old but we just adopted him last week from rescue. We live on Canada's West Coast. Parent: Pat B.
(What a darling little guy. You are so fortunate to have found your forever home :-) ~Barbara)

Bosco - 10 weeksThis is my 10 week old Yorkie-Maltese mix-- Bosco. He is a little dog but has the heart of a giant. He loves attention and cookies. I think he is getting a little fat, but that's o.k. He has such a wonderful personality and likes to play with anything that moves or makes noise. He is getting used to riding in the car and going to the bathroom on newspaper! He is in a training class and is one of the smartest dogs there (his mom says). I love all of your pictures and I already want another one! Parent: Katherine Los Angeles, CA
(Just precious! He is a cutie for sure. Remember to send in his 6-month picture!! ~Barbara)

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For more pictures of Angel, please visit her very own site!!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)

If you have a mixed breed dog (other than a Yorkie-Maltese mix), add his/her picture to my "All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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New pictures added on May 15, 2009

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