Angel 7 mos.

Angel 16 weeks

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Angel 6 1/2 mos.

Angel 12 weeksIf you have a Yorkie-Maltese mix, please email a photo with your dog's name and a short blurb about your pet (your name and state are optional). Angel and I are so anxious to see all of the other Yorkie-Maltese who look like her!!
Email me at:
blt222 at embarqmail dot com

(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep "spiders" from picking it up and sending junk mail)

Don't forget to visit Angel's very own site!

Champ - 1 year This is my baby boy, Champ! He will be one year old June 12th!! He weighs 4 pounds, and has more spunk than 10 cups of coffee! He wakes me up at 5 am, wanting me to try to take his biscuit and play! He barks at everything from his own reflection to a blanket that is out of place. He is a little fireball, and we love him so much!!!! Happy Birthday Champion! Proud parent: Dave W.
(Oh my goodness - that is the sweetest face!!! He is the same size as Angel and has the same birthday month - June!! He is absolutely adorable. ~Barbara)

Lila 3 mos.This is my new puppy Lila she is a yorkie/maltese, her dad was a maltese and her mom was a yorkie. She was born on 3/15/05, and is currently 2.7 pounds. We our so happy to have her! Proud parent: Falon G.
(Oh my goodness, have the most precious face! I can't wait to get your 6 month and 1 year pictures and see how beautiful you grow up to be! ~Barbara)

Wilson 8 weeksWilson 2 1/2 yrs.





Left: This is Wilson at 8 weeks old. Right: Wilson at 2 1/2. Proud parent: Lori C. from Miami, FL.
(My, were a precious little thing at 8 weeks. And you are handsome boy at 2 1/2!! Angel saw your picture...I think she has a crush on you :-) ~Barbara

Lucy LuLucy waking up from her nap. Am I just the cutest? Lucy is 15 and the love of my life. ps..she loves to snuggle in. Proud Mama, Paula - Fort Lauderdale, FL

(She certainly is a little cutie and much loved I can tell :-) ~Barbara)

Kobe - 3 yearsMy little guy just turned 3 years old TODAY(6/21/05)....his name is Kobe...he has the face of a yorkie, the ears, coat and tail of a maltese. But when it comes to temperment he is all terrier. He is all of 8 lbs. but has the heart of a 100 lb. dog. I am totally crazy about this little guy, he makes me smile every single day. Proud mom: Gail B.

(Happy birthday Kobe! He certainly is a handsome boy!!!! BEAUTIFUL coat and cute smile!! Angel's birthday was yesterday, the 20th~Barbara)

RachitoI got a Yorkie-Maltese puppy and he is adorable. I'm so happy with this little angel, his name is Rachito and he is 2 months old. Proud Mom: Bertha - Miami, FL (Rachito is just beautiful! What a gorgeous coat! Please remember to send his 6 month picture.~Barbara

Mocha 8 weeksMocha is 8 weeks old . She is truly a joy to be around, she loves to play and cuddle with me. She enjoys being outside and running in the yard. She is so special to me. Mom-Kenya Washington,DC

(She certainly is a little beauty! LOVE LOVE her coloring! ~Barbara)

CorkyWe just got this adorable little boy on July 4, 2005. He is already so very smart. Glad to find a site where I can see what he might look like when he's a "big" boy. After hours of trying to name him we decided on Corky. He's getting used to the other animals and the house. Thanks for letting me share this wonderful dog. Proud Parent: Jeaneen P. - So. Ohio

(And an absolute cutie he is!! What an adorable face - he looks like a little koala bear! ~Barbara)

Chloe 12 wksThis is little Chloe. Proud Moms: Maggie & Lisa (How precious! Can't wait to see updated pictures of this little one! ~Barbara)

Chloe 12 wksLittle Chloe is now at her new home! (She is bee-u-tiful! What an adorable little face! Looking forward to watching you grow up. ~Barbara)

Maggie 9 weeksMaggie 1 year
This is Maggie. Her mother is Maltese and father Yorkie. She's a great little dog!! She recently completed puppy kindergarten and was the star of her class!! Her colors are changing so quickly I can't wait to see her end result :) Maggie lives in Ontario, Canada Proud Mom: Con Birchall (What an absolute doll baby! Her 1st b'day picture is Bee-u-tiful!! Happy birthday, Maggie!! ~Barbara)

SophieSophie is a yorkie mixed with a maltese. Her name is sophie and she is 7 months.
Proud mom: Michelle M.

(She is a reeeeeal cutie!! Remember to send in her 1st birthday pics!~Barbara)

P-nut 3 mos.This is our baby P-nut. She is a little over 3 months old and VERY P-nut - 1 yearactive. She is a great companion, loves sleeping in the bed with my husband and I and loves running 90 to nothing in our backyard. She weighs 2.7 lbs! So she is TINY! Proud mom: Anna Lee Bound -Madison, AL (OMG...she is adorable! She looks so much like Angel did at that age - "see through legs" haha - what a cutie. Great 1-year picture-still looks like Angel!! ~Barbara)

When sending in pictures, please send only puppy picture and 1st birthday picture. If your puppy's 6-month picture is already posted, it will be replaced with the birthday picture.

(Please tell me what page your baby is on when you send in new pics)

If you've had trouble getting to this site, it's because it's getting over 5,000 hits a month and my host is shutting it down for an hour now and then because that's too many hits for a "free site". Free sites are allocated so much bandwidth an hour, and this site is exceeding the amount!! So sorry for any inconvenience. ~Barbara

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For more pictures of Angel, please visit her very own site!!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)

Health information

Getting a new puppy? Please read "I Am Your Puppy"

If you have a mixed breed dog (other than a Yorkie-Maltese mix), add his/her picture to my "All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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New pictures added on May 15, 2009

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