Angel 7 mos.

Angel 16 weeks

Angel 6 1/2 mos.

Angel 12 weeksIf you have a Yorkie-Maltese mix, please email a photo with your dog's name and a short blurb about your pet (your name and state are optional). Angel and I are so anxious to see all of the other Yorkie-Maltese who look like her!!
SEND IN YOUR PHOTO !!!! Don't forget to visit Angel's site!
Email me at:
blt222 at embarqmail dot com

(Type email in regular email format. I don't put my email on my website in regular format hoping to keep "spiders" from picking it up and sending junk mail)

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

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Ginger 2 years Ginger Ginger is a rescued Maltese/Yorkie mix. Who would want to give up this precious face? Definitely our gain! She was just under 5 lbs when we got her & already housebroken, now a fiesty & robust 6 lbs! We were told she was a purebred Yorkie initially, but she clearly has Maltese on dad's side w/ her face & tail. She's 2 yrs old (3/20/02). Sometimes she just loves to cuddle & drape herself on us. Other times, she initiates playing fetch w/ her bear & red bone pillow, growling at trucks, or chasing squirrels & birds. She's just a delight with the best characteristics of both breeds!!!
Parent: Christina in Maryland
Jeter 3 1/2 mos.

This is Jeter, a 3 1/2 month old Yorkie/ Maltese. He reminds me so much
of Angel! Jeter really gives
me something to smile about In fact, he just simply makes me laugh! Parent: Nannette M. (He certainly does resemble my little Angel! He is adorable!! ~Barb) Right: JETER celebrating his FIRST birthday!!! (My, my, are a handsome little thing! Angel wants to know if you want a date :-) ~Barbara

Jeter's 2nd bdJeter, on right, celebrating his 2nd birthday! And that's Daisy, his little sister, who is a pure bred Maltese. And the proud mom is Nan from NJ, an internet friend who I actually met in 2004 and we got together again in summer of 2005. And Nan is coming to visit me in VA this summer and I'll finally meet Jeter and Daisy!! Can't wait!!! Angel says "Happy Birthday, Jeter! I'm still waiting for that date!" ~Barbara & Little Angel

Rocky 8 weeks.

Rocky's proud mom is Lisa B. from Rochester, MN.
: This is Rocky after his first trip to the groomer!! Handsome boy!! ( What a face!!! Remember to send in his 1 year picture!! ~Barbara)

Zoe and Tillie 8 wks.

Zoe, at age 8 weeks weighs 1 lb. 10oz. and Tillie, at 8 weeks weighs 1 lb. 14 oz. Zoe is quite the "proper lady" and Tillie is our "Tom Boy" girl! We love them dearly and their different personalities make them so enjoyable. Their favorite toys include my finger and a shoe string, if they can get to them! They also love to exercise and watch TV. QVC seems to intrigue them the most! Can't imagine life without them now! Parent: Rhonda
(They are adorable, Rhonda! Don't forget to send in their 6-month picture!!) ~Barbara

7 weeksThis is the new addition to our little Clan. She is a 7 week old Yorkie/Maltese. She is a little butter ball and has great markings so we can't wait to see how she grows up. I really hope her colors are like Angel. Parents: The Britt Family, Modesto, CA

Latte 9 wks.I finally got a Yortese!!! His name is Latte - he is 9 weeks old. I am not sure if you remember me, but you put my picture of my full bred yorkie, Sharkey. He is jealous of the new baby, but I think he will come around. Thanks. Hope this picture will make it on your site. I just love it! Parent: April M.
Yes, I remember you! Your new puppy is adorable! I am so happy for you. Please remember to send in a 6-month and 1-year picture!! ~Barbara

Fancy 6 mos.Hello Barbara- here is a picture of Dutchess' sister, Fancy. She is 6 months also and she weighs 4.5 lbs. Her owner, Cheree, lives in San Francisco. Fancy is the love of Cheree's life and quite a communicator.

(She is precious!! Please remember to send in her 1-year picture!! ~Barbara)
Note: See Dutchess' picture on pg. 2

Ellie 9 mos.Ellie - 2 yr. Ellie is 1/2 Yorkie, 1/2 maltese. Left: 9 mos., right 2 years and 6 lbs. She is far cuter than this and normally has a nicer haircut. Everytime I try to take a picture of her she tries to kiss the camera so getting a picture without the tongue is a challenge. She lives with her Whippet sister, a feline brother, a turtle, 2 little girls and a 9yr old boy. She is an absolute joy. Thanks for your site.~ Parent: Melanie (Cute as a button!~Barb)

PochiPochiPochi, a yorkie/ maltese mix, is lovingly cared for by her mom, Julie Y. - Washington State (Note: Cute as a button, Julie!! ~Barbara)

Diva 13 weeksThis is our new Yorkie Maltese, "Lady Godiva Chocolate", we call her Diva for short. She is now 13 weeks old and is 2 lbs 10 oz. She is our bundle of cute Yorkie so far. There is no "lap dog" part of her yet, so we are hoping the Maltese comes out at some point.
Parents: Dee and Derek Jones, Minneapolis MN
(Right: See "Diva" at 7 months)

Diva 7 mos.Diva is now 7 mos and 6 lbs Lady Godiva 1 yearand is one adorable Yorkie Maltese. She is smart, playful, brave and is a TRUE DIVA. As you can see, she has her red hand-knit ruffled turtleneck sweater on to get ready for the fall chill and winter weather...! She has traveled to Dallas, TX and Portland, OR and is a fabulous jet setter! Not a peep once and she just batted her cute little eyes at the attendants and they all fell in love with her. People think she is a stuffed animal in my purse when they first look at her... and then they realize... it's real! (What a beauty she is!! ~Barb)
Hi, I have 4 maltese/yorkie mix pups that are 5 ½ weeks old. 2 light color ones looks like your angel and other maltese/yorkie pups in your web pics. I have 2 dark color ones that are just as cute. ~Derek (Note: They are adorable, Derek! Please send in more pictures when they are 6 months old!! ~Barbara) Papaya-8 weeksWe have a new addition to our family...Miss Papaya Park, 8 wks. old! She is our new Yorkie/Maltese baby and we adore her! She loves playing with her favorite Cookie Monster toy and likes to take naps on top of our slippers. Parents: Christy and Peter P.
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For more pictures of Angel, please visit her very own site!!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)

If you have a mixed breed dog (other than a Yorkie-Maltese mix), add his/her picture to my "All Mixed Up" page.

Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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New pictures added on May 15, 2009

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