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Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Joni Harker

Blooline Divider

This is where the Updates to the site will be posted. Keep checking back. You never know when I'll update! ^_^

02/22/2007Changed the links in the BOTA banners. Cleaned out some videos from the Theater that are no longer on YouTube. Added the spirit pages for both the Battle of the Ancients and Triple Ace. Added a page for Comics, which includes a couple of Micro Heros I made.
10/18/2006Just added a Theater to the Main Hall.
10/02/2006Battle of the Ancients is BACK! ^_^ BOTA has returned, and I've joined back up. The Proud to be a member of BOTA and Voting links are in the Entrance and Main Hall.
09/17/2006Added a Gothic Chamber Spirit Page to the Main Hall.
09/09/2006Added two graphics for my new website compitition to the Entrance and the Main Hall. While the first one is for the Triple Ace compitition, and voting doesn't begin for three more weeks, the second is for the Mystikal Realms compitition, which starts voting this Monday.
09/07/2006Added two graphics for my new website compitition to the Entrance and the Main Hall, at the bottom of the pages. Also added a link to my new blog, about Web Paper Dolls, as well as a link to a second Art Gallery to the Main Hall. Updated the Harry Potter Room.
05/21/2006Added a Messageboard to The Mighty Orbots Room
05/09/2006Added a Martian Mouse Generation chart to the Biker Mice from Mars Room

Keeper Updates. From time to time, I'll have updates that I just don't want to take down. These are called "Keeper Updates", and will be listed in the table, below.

04/21/2006Added a page for Data, of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data's Quarters. There are also some board for Data on the Drak Pack Headquarters messageboard.
04/03/2006Added a Proboard forum to the Main Hall. This is the third forum I have created for the site (aside from the Peter Pan ezboard forum in the Peter Pan Room). As they say --Third time's the charm! (I hope...)
03/31/2006Added a link to Marapets in the Main Hall
01/11/2006Added a pic for my second character to the Adventure Quest, a boy named Sphinx. Also fixed the tables on that page.
01/09/2006Added a page for Adventure Quest, a Flash, anime RPG.
01/02/2006Added another link to Fab4TheRecord (the Beatles' Messenge Board) to The Beatles Room
11/08/2005Fixed some links in the Biker Mice Room, as well as added a link to MP3s of the songs on the Biker Mice CD. Added a Homeless Hunks Room, for adoptable Homeless Hunks and Bishies. Added more Hunks to the Homeless Hunks room --another Mouse and an Elf. Also added some new sprites to the Biker Mice from Mars Room.
11/07/2005Added another link to another blog in the Main Hall. This one is Loving the Furre. I also updated the Harry Potter Room, mainly the book/movie list. That update was long overdue...
10/30/2005Added another link to another blog in the Main Hall. This one is for Neopets. I put the blog links in their own table for easier locating. I also added a cbox shoutbox to the Entrance. Also, I've updated the Marry Your Favorite Characters page, adding to it as well as organizing the list by media. The Biker Mice from Mars get their own section in the list, since there is so many of them...
10/27/2005Added a link to my new Biker Mice from Mars Blog to both the Main Hall and the Biker Mice from Mars Room.
10/26/2005Added a link button to a Beatles messageboard and a link button you can use to link to the Beatles Room.
10/09/2005Fixed a mistake in the Rick Springfield Room (Changed Miss Twitch to Miss Tickle...). Added some info on the pirate movies I have to the Pirate Room.
09/04/2005Added a new page: Marry Your Favorite Characters. This page is a list of characters I've "married", mosty Biker Mice from Mars characters, but a few others, as well.
06/16/2005After a long absance from my site, the Biker Mice from Mars Room makes its triumphant return, with images, this time.

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