I'm talking real stinking BULL SHIT!CAUTION!
Bull_Detected.gif (1576 bytes)The pile gets bigger and bigger!A Load of Crap!
Something stinks and it's not the graphic!

Up-Front my comments are my sole feelings and conclusions, they are only one opinion of what should-be, could-be, might-be, would-be or will-be. The crap below is a little off the top of the load.

    suck_a_sml.jpg (2960 bytes) Terrorism

 What's Real? Medical Marijuana

Drug test results a violation of civil rights! Drug Testing; A form of Ethnic Cleansing!

    lights_1.jpg (28318 bytes)     HA HA; hippies united.

luger.gif (3983 bytes)Gun Prohibition; Who's controlling who? If the death penalty didn't work, what makes anyone                     think gun prohibition will?

    gas_pump.gif (301 bytes)    Gasoline; O.P.E.C. (Organization of the Petroleum Extorting Countries)

Campaign Reform: When the money or barter changes hands undocumented  under the table by second and third parties instead of documented over the table by source of origin! ---Hippie Rider

Deja Moo
The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

Have any comments? Maybe you think I, someone or something else is a load? Feel free to send your load to the Hippie Rider link at bottom of this page. Doing so, you totally understand I may post your comments and get In your face with attitude!!!

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