johnboy's  How To Tutorials and Information


How To Tutorials
Combine and decode  (with Outlook Express)
EnCase test and tutorial
Entering a proxy with Internet Explorer 4
Entering a proxy with Internet Explorer 5
Entering a proxy with Netscape Navigator
Evidence Eliminator configuration
Encrypting with Scramdisk
Forte Agent installed in a Scramdisk file
Forte Agent configuration
Ftp with Ws_ftp pro
Virus prevention for Win9x  (Disabling ActiveX, Javascript, etc...)
Wiping free disk space  (with bcwipe and eraser)
Using WinRAR
Info and Faqs
File Extensions
Read what EnCase users says about BCWipe & Ee
Read what EnCase users says about Scramdisk
Special characters
What programs are known to be booby trapped?
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