the economie

archy's friends: Ant brains, The bumbling hive, The economie, Living with bugs, Lovebugs, Mandeville's bees, mehitabel, Ode to a louse, Worms, Piss ants, Politically correct roaches, The termite, Directory

mehitabel's friends: archy, Brann's cat, Cat who loved shoes, On caterwalling, Economist view of cats, Gasket's Christmas ball, How not to drown a cat, MacCavity, Owl and Pussy cat, You done cut the wrong cat, Venture capitalist view of cats, Directory

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the economie


the economie is a strange five legged creature
that has no head for sure
but wait you ask, maybe one of those
appendages is a tail (or perhaps a nose) questionmark

if a tail it might wag perchance
and give the body balance
and if a nose it might be sensing
the direction the wind is blowing
not so we are told
they're legs for sure as they unfold

the economie is different in other ways
the path it moves its interest it betrays
this pet has no loyalty
at all and is set to flee

from high to low it goes as on a whim
though others try to manage him
but five legs you ask why does he have them so questionmark
they re props to keep him on an even keel to go

congress is one of those that s used to steer
they think they're in control but it ain t clear
th economie wonders why they're around
mostly this leg s off the ground

the fed s leg could economie control
but the aging chairman is so droll
heaven knows if he directs or follows
this animal through bogs and wallows

a leg known as the stock market
where money flow into investor s pockets
sometimes has an influence on direction
but panic causes investor s deflection

the european leg is most shapely i m sure
french and german interest are most pure
control is all they are interested in
direction maters not in their eternal din

the fifth leg is savings i surmise
when it goes up and down it denies
traction to the others as they fight to win
direction and the result is economie spins

around and round economie goes
and where it stops nobody knows
but when savings take control
economie listens we are told



now we have attention given
to those that are dollar driven
seems they are worried that they
wont have enough bread to pay
for those luxuries for enjoyment.
to work or seek employment
would be a waste of time
no, they don't wont to spend a dime
of their money no less,
or yours unless
you ain't a looking
while the books they're a cooking

as told by mehitabel

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