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This Issue's Story



  Lifepath's Brawl

Life Paths 1,5,7 and 8 were good friends. All four of them were working and held good positions in the company. One day, the boss gathered all four of them for a meeting in the room.

"All four of you are quite hardworking and responsible. My partner in Canada has asked me to recommend one of my staff for this overseas job. I have yet to decide whom I want to send among the four of you. So, I have decided to give all four of you an independent project. The one who completes it quickly and efficiently will get to go to this overseas trip. No one is to help each other. Understood?" the boss asked.

All four of them looked at each other and nodded their heads. After receiving their assignments, all four of them left the room and went back to their desks. Life Path 1 went to Life Path 5's desk and wailed.

"I don't think I can do this alone. Oh… please help me. You have always helped me in all the projects Boss has given me. Why can't you help me now?" he wailed.

Life Path 5 sighed impatiently. "Why are you always so selfish and dependent on others? I thought your Life Path is supposed to be independent and a born leader?!"

"I am under the negative traits of my Life Path… This is why I am so dependent. I have been trying to get rid of my dependence, but to no avail. Please help me…" Life Path 1 explained and begged.

"Oh! Go away and leave me alone. I am thinking of my own problem. I don't know what I really want to be. Should I go to Canada and take up the job?" Life Path 5 pondered, ignoring Life Path 1.

"You are the worst! You don't even know what you want to be. You are already 25 years old. Yet you are still confused about your ambition. And you still dare to scold me!!" Saying this, Life Path 1 walked away in anger.

"But you are very adventurous and talented. Why don't you try for the overseas job? Maybe once you get the job… who knows? That may have been your hidden ambition," advised Life Path 7, who overheard the whole conversation.

"Oh I don't know. I just don't know what I want. I am just not sure about my ambition. Anyway, are you going to try for the job?" asked Life Path 5.
"Of course not. You know that I don't quite like crowds and noise. For goodness sake… Me in Canada? Nope… it will never work out. Besides, why should I go all the way to Canada for a job, which has a higher pay? Let it come to me in Singapore…" Life Path 7 said smugly.

"Ya right. You and your 'Oh the world owes me a living' attitude! Won't you ever learn?" laughed Life Path 5.

"He will never learn. Well, I intend to do the project. I want to go overseas and earn lots of money. I want to achieve power. People must look up to me" said Life Path 8 forcefully who had came just in time to hear what Life Path 5 said.
Both Life Paths 5 and 7 stared at Life Path 5, slightly taken back by his ambitious and forceful words.

"Haha… lets see who gets the job. I challenge the three of you. The one who gets the job stands a treat from all three of you. Hahaha". With that, Life Path 8 walked away.

As days passed, the deadline for the project neared. Life Path 8 stopped talking to his 3 other friends. He did not want them to know what he was doing. Life Path 1 kept asking his other friends in the office to help him. Everybody refused saying this was a chance for him to become more independent. Life Path 7 did not attempt the project at all. He saw no use in going to Canada. Life Path 5 completed the project but with doubts in his heart. He still did not know if going to Canada was what he wanted.
Finally the Big Day arrived. The 4 good friends waited anxiously to see who was posted to Canada. The Boss came into the room. With a big smile on his face, he started talking.

"I looked through your projects. Life Path1, you disappointed me a little. What happened? Life Path 7… I did not even see your project. Both Life Path 5 and 8 did very well. I'm pleased to announce that Life Path 5 is going to Canada!".

Life Path 8 could not believe his ears. WHAT?! It was his ambition. He stared daggers at Life Path 5. Life Path 5 smiled and faced his Boss.

"Sir, I don't think my ambition is to go to Canada. I feel contented to stay in Singapore. Please send Life Path 8 in my place. He is more ambitious than me and he is more likely to do the company more good than me".

The Boss nodded his head thoughtfully and congratulated Life path 8. Life Path 8 thanked Life Path 5 and all the four of them went to lunch together, since Life Path 8 was leaving the office the following Monday.

- Haslinah




Copyright © 2001 Pandora created by Delphinus Studios
October 2001, Issue 1


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