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This Issue's Story



  Challenge 0

Challenge 0 is also called the challenge of choice. You may have difficulty acting on your preferences. You are good at analyzing situations and coming up with various possible solutions. You are a highly evolved individual and you must have faith in your own abilities. You can make your own decisions about your life. You must be a very gifted individual to meet the Challenge 0 in your life period.

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  Challenge 1

You are likely to be dominated with people with strong influence, like your parents or teachers. The challenge is to avoid being dominated and at the same time doing it in a way that does not dominate others as well. You must learn to control your ego. You are in a period where you must learn to how to solve your problems independently. Try to avoid arguments and quarrels. Use your wit and intelligence if you must.

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  Challenge 2

You are likely to be feeling very sensitive. You find it hard to work with people because you fear being criticized or even being ignored. You tend to lack self-confidence and doubt your own abilities. You worry constantly about others' opinion of you. During this period, you will find it a little hard to make decisions. Plan for the future, rather than plan only for immediate gains.

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  Challenge 3

You try to do many things at the same time. Although you may have a fine imagination, you find it hard to express yourself. You may have talents for acting and writing but you tend not to participate in such activities because you fear criticism. You are likely to hide your creative talents behind a wall of shyness. You must strive to be more social and creative.





Copyright © 2001 Pandora created by Delphinus Studios
October 2001, Issue 1


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