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  Life Path Number 1

Individualistic desires and independence play a big role in this Life Path. Gaining independence is the main purpose in life. Many people in this Life Path spend a lot of time shaking off their dependent side. You have to overcome an environment in which it is very easy to be dependent, and quite difficult to be independent. Stand on your own feet and learn not to be dependent on others. There are both positive and negative life paths. If you have a positive life path, you are probably ambitious, a born leader and you feel it is always necessary to follow your own convictions. However if you have negative traits of this Life Path, you tend to be dependent, dissatisfied and long for self-efficacy. You may also become selfish and egoistical.

CELEBRITY : Tom Cruise, George Bush Jr., Calvin Klein, Larry King

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  Life Path Number 2

Those in this Life Path are usually very sensitive and have the most delicate ability to be balanced and fair. You are most often able to settle disputes and you often act as a mediator between 2 conflicting groups. You think the best of people and generally want the best for them. Those with negative traits in this Life Path are usually pessimistic and usually accomplish very little. You may face a state of apathy or lethargy.


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  Life Path Number 3

You emphasize expression, sociability and creativity as lessons to be learnt in this life. You have very optimistic attitudes and tend to excel in arts such as writing or acting. You are a good conversationalist, sociable and open. If you have negative traits, there is a danger of you being so delighted with the joy of living that life becomes insincere. You may also become moody at times. Take care not to criticize others and not be impatient.

CELEBRITY : Thomas Edison, Christina Aguilera, Jodie Foster, Bradley Nowell

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  Life Path Number 4

You are practical, down-to-earth and usually trustworthy. Your goal is to learn to take orders and accomplish them with perseverance. You are a dependable business partner and you are usually devoted to your marriage. Although you may have few friends, your bond is quite strong. If you are on the negative side of this Life Path, you tend to be narrow-minded and repressive. You also have a tendency to be less tactful at times.

CELEBRITY : Bill Gates, Hillary Swank, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Helen Hunt





Copyright © 2001 Pandora created by Delphinus Studios
October 2001, Issue 1


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