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SAY..... did you see a weird word somewhere on my site? Wondering what it means? Look for it here, in my list of Japanese [and other]  vocabulary used on the site. To find a particular word quickly, (for Windows users) press CTRL + F [For iMacs, press apple and F] and type the unfamiliar word in the popup window to search for the word. I'll try to keep the words listed in alphabetical order. If you see a word on the site and I don't have it listed here, tell me the word so I can get it up here ASAP. ^_^
anime: Japanese animation; known to most americans as cartoons (most otakus will defend it as NOT being a cartoon). Anime are the shows, and not the comic books (though, they might be referred to as anime) 

baka: fool, idiot, imbecile, ass, etc... (considered to be greatest insult in Japanese)

chan: Suffix put on names of small children; also used for someone who is close to you who won't get offended by it. Bulma's mother saying "Vegeta-chan" is like saying "little Vegeta". Chan makes it sort of a pet name ^_~

chibi: small; young; pygmy; little

DBGT: Stands for Dragon Ball Grand Tour, the series that follows the highly acclaimed             Dragon Ball Z. It was not drawn by Akira Toriyama, as DB and DBZ were, and so there are many avid DB/DBZ fans that despise DBGT. It is quite short (only 64 episodes long) and is VERY confusing at parts.

dub: Dub refers to anime that has been dubbed in; english voices spoken in place of the             original Japanese dialogue. This is what many fans watch; example being that, dub is the version aired on Cartoon Network, etc, etc, etc...

Gomen nasai: I'm sorry; sometimes seen as just "gomen"

hentai: used as either a noun or adjective, referring to porno. For example: Master Roshi could be described as being a hentai. PLUS, Master Roshi READS hentail. Get it? Hentai is porn magazines and a hentai is a person who reads porno. I've also seen *dirty* fanfictions being described as hentai, but more often they're just called "lemons"

ketsu: ass

kun: suffix put on a name of someone who is a male friend of yours.
Ex: Bulma calls Goku -- Son-kun [Son being his last name]

kuso: Translated many different ways, some examples: shit, crap, damn

kusotare: Damn him/her/them/it

manga: comic book

masaka: Never!

minna: everyone; everybody

mirai: future

Mirai no Trunks: Future Trunks

nani: what

oozaru: ape-like transformation of a saiya-jin with a tail when they look at a full moon

otaku: Word used to describe a person fanatical about anime

ouji: prince

romaji: er... Japanese written with english letters rather than the artful characters

saiya-jin: saiyan; saiya-jin is the word used in the Japanese version

saiya-jintachi no senbun: stick figure saiya-jins

Saiya-jin Sama: My screen name, I thought I'd explain it. As stated above, saiya-jin means saiyan. Sama is a suffix used in Japan to denote a person of stature, such as a king/queen/prince/princess, deity, etc...  Do you get it?

sayonara: goodbye

-sei: Suffix attached to the end of the name of a planet. EX: Vegeta-sei = planet Vegeta

Son Goku: This is unfamiliar to most all newbies, Son Goku is Goku's full name. Son is his surname (last name) and in Japan, surnames are listed before first names. On a side note, the correct romaji spelling of Goku is Gokuu but is sometimes seen as Gokou as well.

ssj: abbreviation for super saiya-jin

sub: Sub refers to anime that has subtitles. It has original Japanese voice acting with an english (or whatever) translation written at the bottom of the screen.

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