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Even though the focus of DBZ is not humor, it does have its moments. ^_^

Here, I intend to highlight some of the more funnier scenes of DBZ -- both the dub and Japanese version of the show. I'm going to try and put the episode number along with it too, so you can know exactly what you need to get to see it for yourself ^_~
{Episode/movie (DBZ) numbers will be found in these {} and will be the JAPANESE episode number... That means that the dub episode numbers and the Japanese episode titles are
different -- Take note of the difference}
These appear in no particular order, just as I think of them
-"Bad Man" shirt -- pink shirt, servant woman
***After a long-called-for bath and insulting Bulma by calling her "servant woman", demanding a "drying cloth", Vegeta receives new clothing consisting of a pink shirt and yellow pants. o_O
[This is about the
only dub episode I can tolerate]
{episode #117}

-Majin Vegeta hug
***Vegeta breaks from his norm and gives chibi Trunks a hug. A sweet scene with a humorous reaction from son ^_^ He first doesn't understand what's going on, then he tells his "papa" to stop, he's embarrassing him
{episode #237}

-Yamcha's flashy trunks
***After the sacrifice of Majin Vegeta, the remaining Z team are off to find the Dragonballs... Circumstances call for a ~swim~ and Yamcha is forced to strip down to his boxers. Quite FLASHY boxers at that. To top it all off, while he's under water struggling with a dinosaur, he unsuccessfully tries to hold his trunks up ^_~
{episode #239}

-Mirai Trunks's comment to Metal Freeza [o_O LMAO!]
***Mirai Trunks tells Metal Freeza "It takes some balls to come to earth half-dead in a tin suit ... just to be killed"
---nuff said---
{episode #120}

-Yamcha calls Bulma a bitch [LMAO!]
***Bulma asks Vegeta what he plans to do, and he tells her to shut up and called her stupid. Yamcha rebukes, saying that Vegeta can't talk to her like that. She's just the most stubborn bitch on Earth, is all. Bulma, of course, is enraged by that comment, and pulls Yamcha's ear, saying that she's not like that at all.
{episode #120}

-Vegeta bossed by Bulma
***Vegeta nearly kills himself after blowing up the gravity machine (just one of many incidents). Bulma runs out to the pile of rubble, yelling "Vegeta!" (She's with Yamcha still... he's right there o_O). She says "He can't be dead..." Then a hand shoots from the reckage, scaring her ^_^ He pulls himself out, and she asks if he's still alive. "Isn't it obvious." She starts yelling at him and Vegeta falls backwards... from his wounds, mind you, not Bulma. She tries to pull him up, tells him to stop training. "Are you trying to order me around?"
{episode #124}

-Noisy wench
***Training in the gravity machine, Vegeta is interrupted by a screen pop-up of Bulma. She (as usual) starts lecturing him about over-training. He, to himself, says "Noisy wench. What a low-class woman." He loses his concentration and falls to the floor. Yelling ensues. He asks her if she wants to die in three years. Of course she doesn't... "Then shut up!!!"
{episode #124}

Goku knocks Chi Chi through the wall
***Chi Chi's ticked about Goku training Gohan... REALLY ticked o_O Goku gives her a friendly pat on the back, but wasn't holding back quite enough... >< Chi Chi goes through the wall and through a tree trunk. While Goku bandages her up, he keeps saying he's sorry, but it's not helping the situation. Outside the house stands Piccolo, saying "So even a super saiya-jin has a weakness."
{episode #123}

-Fusion dance
***The fusion dance is hilarious to watch. Absolutely hilarious. The moves are sooo stupid and watching Vegeta and Goku perform them makes it all the more ridiculous. Can't really explain the dance, you've gotta see it for yourself. All I can offer is this, my stick figure version of it. It follows the moves exactly, so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
{movie #12, DBGT episode #60, various other DBZ episodes during Buu saga}

-Fat Gogita
***There's also Fat Gotenks, a pretty cute character ^_^ Fat Gogita forms when Vegeta fails to extend his index finger while performing the fusion dance with his nemesis, Goku. All Fat Gogita is capable of his farting at Janenba o_O. He falls and slips and gets busted up quite easily. Fat Gogita does manage to flip Janenba off, call him a        , and tell him that he's sending Janenba back to hell.
{movie #12}

-Roshi fondling #18
***Roshi has the nerve to fondle #18, that villainous, deadly android, while she's holding her young child in her lap! First he's got his face between her breasts, then he gets the audacity to squeeze them!! He gets smashed up for it, though :-P
{episode #239}

-Get drivers license
***After an unfortunate incident between a wild boar and Chi Chi, Goku, who involves Piccolo into the conflict, must go with the Namek to get a drivers license. To no suprise, the episode ends and neither can legally drive a vehicle. This is ok funny, not as good as it's been hyped up to be, atleast in my opinion. :-P
{episode #125}

-Mirai Trunks tells Goku who is parents are
***When Goku learns that Vegeta is the strange boy's father, he sputters and voices his incredulous. But when he hears who is mother is.... o_O He falls over and is laughing hysterically. Pretty funny scene to watch ;)
{episode #122}

-Goku *guesses* who chibi Trunks is
***The gang is gathering after three years of training to take on the androids. Goku comes up to Bulma with her mysterious baby and says that he bets that his father is Vegeta, and says his name "Trunks". Bulma can't believe it [neither can Gohan or Kuririn]. Goku flips, and says that it just felt right and that the kid has Vegeta's face [o_O]. She asks how did he know his name, and Goku replies that he must have ESP or something.
{episode #126}

-Sneaky naked fusion ^_~
***Goku is bathing in his outside tub with Trunks and Goten. But of course, there's no bathing actually going on. They're wrestling around. Goku seems to be winning, so Trunks and Goten hop out of the tub and fuse into a naked Gotenks. [LMAO] Well, Goku tells them that that's pretty sneaky, using fusion. So, he stands up and... Goes super saiya-jin completely destroying the tub!! There stands the mighty ssj Goku, proud of himself while Gotenks has fallen to the ground ^_~
{episode #288}

Can you think of another funny moment of DBZ? If so, email me your idea and I'll take it into consideration ^_^
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