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The summary goes in chronoLOGICAL order, with scenes seperated by a blank space
The movie opens with a Martial Arts tournament held in the spirit world. The Northern Kaio and Kaio-sama [southern Kaio, a.k.a. King Kai] argue over who is stronger. Finally, it's decided that Paikuhan and Goku should fight to determine the strongest. They start off and their scene closes.

Opening theme, We Gotta Power.....

When the opening is over, we are back in the spirit world, this time at Enma Daio's palace [King Yemma/Yama]. Enma is eating a hamburger and stamping papers, saying either "Heaven" or "Hell" as he does so (he is judging each person's fate). Today he's being particularly harsh. Spirits are shown where to go -- a plane for a flight to heaven, or a cleansing before heading to Hell. At the laundry maching spirits are put through a process by which all the evil is removed from them. The "evil" collects in a tank by which a demon-guy is supposed to be watching. He's listening to his walkman. A supervisor demon comes over and tells him he needs to get to work, or his wages'll be lowered. He adds that he needs to change the tank too. The other guy ignores him and disregards the full tank. It overloads and the tank explodes. The "evil aura" possess the little demon guy and he bloats out and mutates into this huge fat yellow dude -- Janenba. Janenba takes control of the spirit world, totally messing it up. He traps Enma Daio inside his headquarters in a bubble-thing. All the dead people come to life. and this inclueds *bum BUM bum* Freeza [you don't see him in THIS part of the movie, I just felt the need to add some foreshadowing ~_^].

There's a scream and the next scene shows a family in a graveyard. Their grandfather is alive, sitting on his tombstone and saying that he got his leg back too. Scenes of other dead people resurrected are shown. Dracula stumbles around with a stake in his heart, and a Chinese army on horses walks over traffic. Hitler is alive and his troops in tanks plow over cars as well.

Next, we're at the Son household, where Gohan and Goten are scarfing their mother's food down and asking for more. Videl is there too and offers to wash the dishes. Chi Chi refuses, saying that she is a guest. Videl ends up washing anyways. Chi Chi tells her she'll make a good wife and Videl is so moved by the statement she drops a dish. Chi Chi reassures her, that all good wives drop a dish. A huge pile of dishes crash to the floor. As Videl stoops to pick them up, her watch beeps and she is informed that there are dead people everywhere and that her and Great Saiyaman's help was needed. The two teens set off.

Paikuhan and Goku are fighting and one of the bubble-things bursts up through the ground between them. The Kaios suggest that Paikuhan and Goku go to Enma and find out what's wrong. Paikuhan touches Goku's shoulder, Goku locks on to Enma's weakened ki and uses Instantaneous Movement to transport to Enma. They get there and see the encasing on Enma's place. Paikuhan and Goku both release blasts on the bubble, but their ki is absorbed! Goku gets ready to try again when Enma tells them the guy is on the roof. They check it out and are shocked by the size of Janenba. Paikuhan tries to reason with Janenba, gets frustrated, and Janenba flicks him into a bubble (These aren't just round shapes -- They're very much solid and hard!). Goku comes up with a plan: he'll go and distract Janenba, while Paikuhan releases Enma. Goku falls backwards, getting Janenba to follow suit. When Goku gets to the ground below, he comments on how Hell has changed a lot since he was there last time. Janenba uses an attack called "Mini Janenba" and creates lots of little clones of himself that come after Goku. Of course, Goku destroys them all, finishing with an awesome spiral kick.

Great Saiyaman and Videl are getting rid of all the pesky dead people when a certain changeling appears on a rooftop nearby, saying that they make a cute couple. Gohan is suprised to see him and says, "Freeza!" Freeza [as that is who it is ^_~] says that he is honored that his name is known this far in the galaxy, for he does not recognize Gohan. Gohan's reply is that he was younger when they met -- and Gohan takes off his sunglasses. "Nani?!" Freeza at first thinks it's Son Goku. Gohan corrects him and does his little Saiyaman dance thing o_O. Freeza makes some comment about getting revenge for the father on the son. Freeeza sends all his newly revived troops [which includes the Giny Force and MANY other recognizable fiends of past]. Gohan flies at Freeza and punches him in the stomach -- Freeza blows up and, obviously, is no longer living. Freeza's troops all scamper off, and Gohan does his cheasy little Saiyaman victory dance, Videl applauding him [aren't they just meant to be? ^_^].

Mr. Satan is seen *vanquishing* villains and complaining about the TV crew not being there.

Goten and Trunks are finding the 4 star dragon ball. The radar has lead them to a golf course and in the hole is the dragon ball. Trunks picks it up and flies up. A golf ball smacks Goten on the skull -- knocking him down. He picks up the golf ball and tells Trunks he's coming as soon as plays a trick. Goten puts the golf ball in the hole.

A man sits on the ground spazzing out because he can't believe he hit a hole in one.

On Capsule Corporation's lawn, Bulma places the 4 star dragon ball with the other six and Gohan summons Shenron. [Judging from their behavior: Videl, Goten, and Trunks have never seen Shenron before]. Gohan asks that the dead people be put back where they belong. The dragon appears to comply and they all start jumping around in joy. Shenron then tells them it's no good, that the cause of the problem surpasses his power. Goten yells that "Shenron is stingy!" and Trunks jumps on Goten to keep him quiet. Videl asks if they get another wish and Bulma tells her "Yes" as she just sits on the ground. The dragon asks them if they have another wish and the scene ends with no reply.

Paikuhan blasts again at the shell over Enma's palace, but to no avail. He comes to the shell and can't believe that it didn't work. Then he cusses at it in anger. Suprisingly, a shallow crack appears. Paikuhan considers the situation then explodes in an outpouring of profanities. After a minute or so -- a cracking sound is followed by a thin layer of the shell bursting off.
The story continues far more, but I've yet to get the whole thing written... Eventually... ^_~
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