Σ Sigma Phi Φ

Hello, welcome to Sigma and Phi's website. We are two humans currently living on Earth. We wrote over a period of two months an amusing Star Trek script back and forth, and since it was so much fun, we decided to make a web page around it. We now have more than just the script, there are instructions on how to make your own Tribbles, fun Star Trek related puzzles and games, as well as other stuff. A warning on the fact that to fully understand the story line of the script, you might have to read some, if not all the recommended reading. Have fun!
Sigma and Phi

The Star Trek Parody Script We Wrote


Vulcan Logic Puzzles and Other Star Trek Related Games

The Encyclopedia of Unuseful Information

The Book of Wise Words of Elisabeth/Sigma

Our theories on Star Trek and the world

Music from Star Trek and Star Wars, as well as other Tunes

All about Q and M

All about Us


The Ebramoll Rangers Site
(We made this one too)

Sigma's Birthday Site! (Feb. 7)
Thank you Phi!

Soon (as in sometime in the next millenium) to Come:
The Adventures of Sigma and Phi Page which includes:
The story of Sigma and Phi
The language of Phigma
Maps from the Adventures of Sigma and Phi
And much much more on the exciting fantasy set after the collapse of the federation.

Like the Site? Please vote for us here!
Please Vote for Us

Scripts? Stories? Parodies? Comments? E-mail [email protected] or [email protected]. We don't bite and would like to hear from you.

Here is our equivalent to legalbabble that basically says that this is an unofficial Star Trek site,
and that Star Trek belongs to Paramount, not us, which you probably already knew.
We�re not sure why this has to be at the bottom of a site, but since all the other sites have it, we thought we should too.
So here it is. Enjoy.
Oh, and by the way. If we�re breaking any laws, please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected].
Does anyone read these anyway? Quack! Hee hee hee hee! We'll have to out Ferengi, the Ferengi. Inconceivable! Welcome to the afterlife Jean-Luc, you're dead. Fourty-Two. Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. Punch it, Chewie. Live Long, and Prosper. Luke, I am your Father. Beam me up, Scotty.

Last updated December 10, 2003 by sigma ;)
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