The Wise Book of Elisabeth/Sigma

The Incomplete (or Too Complete) Version

Sep. 19 Remember, All good things, must come to an end. So guard yourself against the good, and you'll live forever. Look at Q for instance. (Those words of wisdom were brought to you on the behalf of Star Trek enders incorporated, yes there was a double meaning to that, but I doubt you could figure it out.)

Oct. 1 Be careful what you read, for it affects the way you think (and use brackets). (This ending comes from the wise sayings of, well me.)

Oct. 3 Listen to your dreams, for they show hidden aspects of your personality that you have not encountered, or maybe even deny. (Another fascinating piece of advice from the endless wisdom of Elisabeth/Sigma)

Oct. 8 A word of advice. Bizarre is a useful word that can be used to describe all sorts of objects, relatives, friends, and even enemies. Use it wisely and be happy. (Don't I come with the most amazingly wise (and bizarre) sayings? I could start a religion that stemmed from an anonymously written book about the Bizzaronions. Want to join?)

Oct. 9 Yet another wise and thought provoking message from the book of Elisabeth/Sigma. Never should strange and bizarre (last time I'll use this regularly) persons such as myself be allowed to write scripts for popular (in certain social groups) television programs.

Oct. 10 Yet another wise saying from wise Elisabeth/Sigma. Never listen to anything I say, for I am full of hogwash.

Oct. 10 Be careful what you read for it becomes a part of you. (Have I done that one before?)

Oct. 10 bewarethesleepingroosterlayingpurpleeggs

Oct. 17 Elisabeth/Sigma's wise word of the day:
Turn to friends when life is down and be sure to make them depressed too.

Oct. 17 When in doubt, jump.

Oct. 17 A day is not complete without three good meals and at least an hour of Star Trek.

Oct. 19 Oh by the way, here is another brilliant saying from guess who? ME!
Number 1: Strive to reach the moon and you will fail, strive to be lazy and you will succeed with flying colours!
Number 2:Silly sayings don't make sense, wise sayings do.
Number 3: Any day that you learn even one thing is not a waste.
Number 4:Don't listen to your English teachers, they are full of hogwash. Run from your chemistry teachers, they are eccentric pyromaniacs.

Oct. 19 (Barely) Hehehehehehehe! Now for a wise word from Elisabeth/Sigma.
dogs jump because they can like really read and write, but like don't want to give away the giant conspiracy that exists at all quadrants of the universe including the Restaurant at The End of The Universe where Ford, and Arthur, and Zaefod and Ontario flower, and Melvin with hurting diodes, and splattered whale and petunias saying "oh no, not again" and forty two things and THE EARTH and infinity drive things and stuff like that. Oh yeah, you can't forget the mattress, the couch, the bath towels, the babble fish, the immortal guy who wants to insult everyone and Cricket, Ultra Cricket that is. How many roads must a man walk down? 42! Sola Nobiltas Scientia.

Oct. 23 Once again I shall repeat the wises saying I have ever come up with.
When in doubt, jump.

Oct. 24 Listen to the Spice girls and fell the good sense drain out of you.

Oct. 24 Now for my usual saying, it's one of my favorites:
Beauty is an illusion, intelligence doubly so.
This one actually makes sense if you think about it. If you don't believe me, I could explain it in detail. Fare thee well. Does that make sense?

Oct. 25 Have I told you the amazingly intelligent saying:
Beauty is an illusion, intelligence doubly so?
I think I have. The explanation is that it is all in a matter of opinion if someone is beautiful or intelligent. The reason that intelligence is doubly an illusion is because where beauty is an exterior thing most of the time and can be seen in various degrees by all, intelligence is a entirely internal thing that is hard to measure detect and see. That's my explanation.
The explanation for "When in doubt, jump" is a lot more complicated and it's too late to explain that. It does have to do with hang gliding, Q and fire. Perhaps you can figure it out.

Oct. 25 Wise saying of today is:
Never have more than three candles burning at a time, more makes too much smoke, hack, hack.

Oct. 25 The saying When in doubt, jump, originates from several places. One of them is the past in I, Q where he is telling the person to go to the edge of the cliff and he falls to a bloody death. Another place it comes from is when you have to get out of a burning house, like your own, you jump out of the window with all your valuable processions in your arms i.e. Star Trek movies and posters. It also comes from The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I don't know how it comes from there but it does. Another place is like when ducks quack, they like do a little jumpy thingy that I think falls under this category. Hehehehehe. They do, I swear. I shouldn't swear, that's bad. Another place it comes from is things like the amazing Mask of Zorro poster with the candy on the corners which I ate the other day when I got extra hungry. That was fun making the parachute, though I think they all thought we were crazy. And of coarse when we all finally go hang gliding, I believe there is some sort of jumping off tall cliffs involved or something and I am positive there is going to be a bit of last minute doubt.
Does that explain it?

Oct. 25 Another saying that may or may not be wise.
Don't fret, stuff happens.

Oct. 26 My wise thought of today comes from Chris:
Look into the past and feel happy that it happened, but sad that it is over. Look into the future and feel excited about change. Yes, yes, I completely changed her words and the only part that came from her was that it was painful to look into the past and exciting to look towards the future. Maybe it would be better if we all lived in the present.

Oct. 31 A person is shaped by their surroundings and experiences they have, but remember that the character that you were born with never change.

Oct. 31 And now another wise thought.
Do not worry about what you wish for, because it ain't going happen if you don't try to make it come true.

Oct. 31 The final wise thought is:
I am actually wise, even though I do have my lapses.

Nov. 2 Well I'll now depart with a wise word from me.
Don't set yourself up for failure, it's a bad idea.

Nov. 2 And now for my wise thought that I just came up with.
Never get yourself into situations that don't have an easy way to get out of,
especially when writing Star Trek scripts.

Nov. 6 Just Remember (Wise Word From Elisabeth/Sigma or WWFE/S) Five hours of Star Trek in one day is way too much.

Nov. 9 Gooto go to school.
That was a wise word above, far above.

Nov. 10 And now for a tired word from Elisabeth/Sigma:
Ohh, pretty colours in bubbles cool!

Nov. 13 And now a non quote from me and the wise sayings by Elisabeth/Sigma:
Q, M, what's the difference? They amount to the same thing with there omnipotence et cetera.

Dec. 4 I am really getting 'Attached' to voyager. When I look back on my 'Liaisons' I feel the need to boldly go 'Where no One has Gone Before', possibly spending a night or two at 'The Royale'. I also on the 'Dark Page's of my life and see that 'Evolution' has taken us through 'Parallels' that have changed 'The Quality of Life' as we know in our 'Frame of Mind'. As 'First born' I feel it my 'Birthright' to protect my 'Brothers' from the 'Defiant' 'Scorpion' of the un'Necessary Evil'. Also, while looking 'Though the Looking Glass' into 'Paradise' and 'Bliss', I realize the 'Unforgettable' 'One' truth that 'Whispers' to me in 'Real Life': 'Tomorrow is Yesterday' and I make no sense whatsoever.
Okay Sylvia, if you understand a word of that, please explain it to me.

Jan. 2 Wise word for today: Never lend Elisabeth/Sigma books, they have a habit of being destroyed in her care.

Jan. 3 Wise word of today: Try to get dressed before 6:30.

Jan. 3 Wise Word for tonight: All those around us that we think we know and understand, we don't. They are only show what they want to show and their true selves are hidden behind dark curtains.

Jan. 4 Wise saying of today: Some days, nothing is wise, and so therefore there is no wise saying.

Jan. 6 Wise word for right now: When Mother says help me with groceries, do so immediately.
Gotto unpack car.

Jan. 6 Wise thought: Never try to speak to Nathan when he's yelling. He won't hear you and it'll just be a waste of breath.

Jan. 17 Wise word: Indeed, you are correct if you think I am not about to defenistrate my enemies.

May 22, 2002 (It's been a while hasn't it): When given the option of finishing a huge assignment, or reading the end of a really interesting book, use your brain, not your heart. Choose the book, er, I mean project.

May 22: Behind the hanging tapastry lies a hidden door, behind the hidden door lies a curtain, behind the curtain lies a wall of straw, behind the wall of straw lies a wall of sticks, behind the wall of sticks lies a trap door, under the trap door lies a stair well, down the stair well lies a dungeon, in the dungeon lies a gate, through the gate lies a corridor, in the corridor lies a grate, past the grate lies a hole, in the hole lies a box, in the box lies a smaller box, in the smaller box lies a needle, on the needle lies poison, "OUCH!" on the poison lies your finger, in your finger is searing pain, the searing pain is up your arm, your arm is a part of your body, your brain gives up with the thought "Why did I ever open that door?". The point of this is, curiouity killed the cat.

December 10, 2003: Death Is Everlasting.... (but after you vote for me as world leader, I will eliminate death, or at least make it not so permenent)
note: this saying was made while writing "DIE -Sigma" on the inside of bottle caps.

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