About us, our lives, our obsessions, our bizarre interactions.

Sigma, or M.

My name is Elisabeth, I also go by M, or Sigma, and I live in Ontario. I am 19 and in university doing Physics, but am seriously considering switching into music. I was active in the Girl Guide movement and had a great time doing the wonderful activities we did. I play the piano, and enjoy playing Final Fantasy Playstation games. I love to read Science Fiction and Fantasy books. I particularly like reading books by David Eddings, Robert Jordan, Ann MacCaffrey, and Orsen Scott Card. I have an unhealthy obsession with Skittles, especially the red ones.

I have two poodles, one of which is the daughter of a previous dog we owned, and when the mother had her litter of 12, we named them after Star Trek characters, Q, Jean-Luc, Worf, Data, Katherine Janeway, Seven, Beverly Crusher, and Deanna Troi.

Data and WorfThis picture are the puppies Data and Worf.
I really enjoy watching and reading about Star Trek, and this interest dates back to my parents watching new episodes of TNG every Saturday night on City TV. My deeper interest dates back to about when I turned 13 and discovered the books, and my all out obsession started at the beginning of the 1999 school year, I don't know why.

Sadly, I was taken away from my home of ten years 2 years ago, and the city where Phi still resides. I now have to put up with developing crazy scemes through messenger with Phi, instead of in person. While here I have suddenly develped an interest in making bad movies...

Here are some pictures of the Star Trek named puppies:

This is the puppies feeding. This one is Q above.
The above picture is the puppy Seven of Nine,
she was blond, beautiful, and very stubborn.


Quadrotriticale My real name is Sylvia, I also go by Phi, Q (not that Q), or Gonff. I am 19, in first year university in Ontario. I am in the Ranger (Girl Guides) group Sigma used to be in, the Ebramoll Rangers, and really enjoy all the great stuff we do like canoeing and dog sledding. I love music, I sing and play the trombone.
I also really like Tribbles, but that's Sigma's fault. She gave me a real, official Tribble for my birthday that actually tribbles when you squeeze it. It's name is Quadrotriticale, or Cale (pronounced cay-lee) for short. You can see Cale to the left. I also love to read. As well as books by Orson Scott Card (The Ender Books), Dorothy Gilman (Mrs. Polifax series), and Monica Hughes, I've read many of the Star Wars novels (long live their continuity), and some of the Star Trek novels (what continuity?). As far as they go, my favorite Star Wars book is I, Jedi, by Michael A. Stackpole and my favorite Star Trek book is I, Q by Peter David. I guess I like fictional autobiographies.
I have one Degu, small, really cute rodents related to chinchillas, named Edgar Degu. I hope to have pictures of him soon.
I have actually only been a Star Trek fan since about summer 2000, during which I watched a lot of the TNG episodes and all of the movies. It had some effect on me, one result of which was this web page. Before then I had only seen the TOS episode "The Trouble with Tribbles", which probably helped led to my current fascination.

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New Year's Eve Phi Teepee
On New Years Eve 2000 my family and I lay out 2000 tea candles in the shape of "2000" and lit them. This is a picture of us looking down at them from the top of a hill. This picture is of me on the Ebramoll Rangers. French River camping trip. It was taken by Sigma. This is the teepee I built in summer 1997 or so.

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