The theories of us about Star Trek and other bizarre things

Elisabeth's Borg Collective Theory

Sept. 29
Oh dear, you want to ask my opinion on the Borg collective status? This is going to take a while. I believe (yes that does imply that I look on Star Trek as being real, you can decide if I really think this or not) that the Borg have a collective mind, but a kind of hierarchy system as well. They can all think together and act as a hive, but don't unless it's necessary. What I mean is they all have jobs, assimilation Borg, repair Borg, queen Borg, spokesman Borg, lackey Borg, get blown up by Picard on the holodeck Borg etc. The Borg that have the same job on the ship are numbered according to their numbers i.e. Seven of Nine. One of Nine would have directed the other Borg under him or her, and he/she would be directed by the queen on that particular ship. Let's assume that there is one queen (let's call her queen 1) on each ship and a more powerful queen (queen 2) controlling a group of let's say 100 ships, then a queen (queen 3) controlling a larger group of 100 groups and so on until you get to the Queen controlling all the queens from her base in section 001 of the Delta quadrant. Let's assume that as the hierarchy of queens goes up, the more under them, the more Borg they can direct directly. Oh my, I'm already really confused how about you. So what I'm getting at is that none of them ever have a independent thought in their over packed brains of theirs, because their leader gives them their thoughts which was given to them by their leader and so on. Also I'm trying to say that though the queens assume to think for themselves, it's really the Queen who's doing all their thinking. And they also have a whole bunch of 'what to do if this happens' so that the queens don't have to deal with boring problems of running a ship/group of ships etc. So let me try one more time, each low life Borg does what his superior Borg says it to do without question, but they do not share all their thoughts. And Queen tells queen 3 what to do who tells queen 2 what to do who tells queen 1 what to do who tells low lives what to do. Now you will hear form me that I believe the queen the Enterprise encountered was a queen 1 or 2. But the queen the voyager encounters regularly about once a year is the Queen who will probably be killed in the Voyager season premier next Wednesday at 8 on city. That would be enough to kill the Borg I think unless their is a Queen 2 that controls a group of galaxies, a Queen 3 who controls a whole bunch more galaxies and a QUEEN who controls the universe plus a QUEEN 2 who controls a bunch of universes, a QUEEN 3 who controls more universes and a REALLY BIG QUUEN who controls the multi-verse. This is where Q comes in and turns out to be the Borg REALLY BIG QUEEN in disguise. Wow that was long and confusing. Did you understand that? Wow isn't repetition great?

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