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    In 1979 they initially called themselves Arabacus Pulp but afterwards shortened the name. The entire 80's was a struggle for them, producing little CDs and hits. But the 90's became their decade. Pulp romanticized the image of the common working class hero which captivated a new breed of listeners. They redefined coolness and touted the right to be different. Pulp's impact has been subtle yet found way into an unwavering fan base. Their ballads are more than just catchy-they are meanigful anthems for the common person.

    "...I never knew that you'd get married; I would be living down here on my own..." Disco 2000

    Now they have matured. Middle age haunts them. They play the tunes of ordinary people who long in desperation. The role of man and woman are mere objects in a repetive, unyielding pattern. Lonliness is temporarily relinquished with flings. And what ever happened in life, nobody knows, living as we-go-along is all that matters.

    "This is the song of someone losing the plot; making out that they are OK but they're not..." The Fear

All artwork pertaining to a particular music band are just inspirational pieces designed by the web designer who has no affiliation with the music industry at all
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