Bedtime Routine
     The Bed-time Routine gets us ready for tomorrow. You should start it just after your after dinner routine. You don't have to go to bed until your designated time, but at least you will be ready. This is your time to relax and take care of yourself.
Note: it is important to get a good nights sleep in order to have enough energy to keep your house clean. Figure out how many hours you need each night, atleast 8 to 10 hours, then get them.
Your keys to success!



Morning Routine
Afternoon Routine
After Dinner Routine
Bedtime Routine

Getting organized:

Basic Weekly Plan
Home Blessing Hour
Zone Chores

Additional Help:

Address File
Cleaning Tips
File box
Summer Schedule
Welcome Letter
Yearly Reminders
Bedtime Routine 

Keep Sink Shining
Layout Clothes for tomorrow
2 minute fire drill
brush teeth
What's for Dinner?
5 minute pick up
Go to bed @ 9:30 p.m.
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