Cleaning Tips
1. Cleaning the shower curtain.
2. Getting wrinkles out of clothes.
3. How to clean the bathroom weekly.
4. How to clean the kitchen weekly.
5. Catching up on laundry.
6. How to get blood stains out.
7. How to get out grease based stains.
8. How to clean any room.
9. Cleaning the stove hood.
10. Reducing liquid stains on carpet.
11. Great Book!
Your keys to success!



Morning Routine
Afternoon Routine
After Dinner Routine
Bedtime Routine

Getting organized:

Basic Weekly Plan
Home Blessing Hour
Zone Chores

Additional Help:

Address File
Cleaning Tips
File box
Summer Schedule
Welcome Letter
Yearly Reminders
Tip #1: The Shower Curtain

     To wash your shower curtain; you will need a couple of large towels. Throw the curtain and towels in the washer with laundry soap. Set temp to warm and wash on regular cycle. Hang curtain in shower, wet. It will be wrinkled, but will dry straight.

Tip #2: Wrinkles in Laundry

     If you have a time where you have left the laundry in the dryer or laundry basket until it is crusty, cold, and wrinkled, here is a tip. Grab a kitchen towel and soak it. Give it a quick wring. Throw the towel in the dryer with the laundry. Set the drying time as if the whole load needed drying. When the time is up the clothes will look and feel like you just washed and dried them.

Tip #3: The Bathroom

     If you have toilet cleaner that needs to sit in the toilet for a while, flush toilet and add cleaner. Dust everything. Windex mirrors with glass cleaner and a small towel or large wash cloth. Shake rug and put in towel basket. Sweep. Pull out trash bag and tie. Set bag outside bathroom door to throw away when you are done. Wipe down counter. Scrub inside of toilet. Flush and scrub again if you missed some spots. Using a scrubbing disposable towel or a spray and the towel or wash cloth you used for the mirrors, clean toilet. Start with toilet lids down, scrub or spray and scrub in this order: Front and sides of tank, top of lid, area between lids and tank, lift top lid, clean bottom of top lid and top of seat, lift seat, clean bottom of seat, rim, and bowl of toilet, down front and sides of toilet bottom and around area where the toilet is screwed to the floor. If you used a disposable towel, use the towel or wash cloth you used for the mirrors to wipe off toilet in the opposite way that you cleaned it. Finish by wiping down top of toilet tank. Mop. (I mop my bathrooms and kitchen one after the other.)

Tip #4: The Kitchen

     Kitchen: Dust everything. Wipe out or replace aluminum foil from stove drip pans. Grab the garbage can and take it to the fridge. Empty the old food directly into the garbage. Rinse containers and put in the dishwasher or scrub in the sink while they are still moist. Sweep. Tie up garbage and take to the trash or set outside your front door to remind you to take it to the dumpster later. Mop.

Tip #5: Catching up on the Laundry

     Don�t worry if you have gotten behind on laundry. It is easier than you think to get reorganized. For example, if it is Monday and you didn�t do the laundry on Thursday or Friday of the previous week done it will be easy to get back on track. Do a load of laundry from Thursday first. Do not over fill the washer. If there is more than will fit, save the rest for Thursday. Then, wash your regularly scheduled load for Monday. On Tuesday, wash a load of Friday�s wash. Last, wash Tuesday�s laundry. All better!!

Tip #6: Blood Stains

     Blood stains are not to be feared. Grab the garment or sheet while the blood is still fresh. Wet at the washer with cold water. Cover areas of blood with table salt. Wash in cold with some detergent. It works on surfaces that can not be put in the washer. For example, we had blood soak through to the mattress. I kept wiping and rubbing with cold water, paper towels and salt. You can not even tell where the blood was.

Tip #7: Grease Based Stains

Did you just drip spaghetti sauce on your favorite shirt? Maybe it was a grease splatter or oil from that cheesey quesadilla you had for lunch. I know mayonnaise dripped from your backyard grilled hamburger onto your white shorts. Before you wash it and set it in, apply dishwashing liquid to the spot (I like Dawn). Wash and dry like normal. My stains always come out.

Tip #8: Hot to Clean Any Ro

     When cleaning any room start at the top and make your way to the bottom. Dust first and vacuum last. Clean in a clockwise motion. Start at the entrance and end at the entrance. Make sure you have all your cleaning supplies with you before you start. Do not stop to put something away in another room. That is what your boxes are for. Place the item in the box for stuff that doesn�t belong. Work quickly. Play music that will get you moving. Be sure to take timed breaks when doing a task that requires a lot of time to complete. See the de-clutter cards.

Tip #9: Cleaning the Stove Ho

     Ever wonder how to clean that sticky gunk from the stove hood? I use Goo-gone on a towel and it comes right off. If you can find this cleaner or one that is used to remove gooey type stuff it is well worth getting just for the stove hood.

Tip #10: Reducing Liquid Stains

     Did your little one just spill fruit punch on the carpet? Grab a cup of cool water and a couple kitchen towels. Pour water directly onto spill, just a little at a time. (You don't want to soak the carpet.) Immediately use a towel to soak up water and juice. Repeat until it seems you can not soak up anymore. It should greatly reduce stain or even eliminate it. The key is getting to the stain as soon as it happens.

Tip #11: Read the Following Book

"Speed Cleaning". It is a great book. I use the techniques myself.
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