Zone Chores
Your keys to success!



Morning Routine
Afternoon Routine
After Dinner Routine
Bedtime Routine

Getting organized:

Basic Weekly Plan
Home Blessing Hour
Zone Chores

Additional Help:

Address File
Cleaning Tips
File box
Summer Schedule
Welcome Letter
Yearly Reminders
Monthly                              15 minutes
                    Dining Room

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards, and chairs.

Monthly                                    20 minutes
                       Family Room

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards
Vacuum: under couch cushions, under couch and chairs.
Windex: television

Monthly                              15 minutes

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards

Monthly                                   15 minutes

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards, change sheets

Monthly                              15 minutes
                   Other Bedroom

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards, change sheets

*make as many of these as you need.*
Monthly                              15 minutes

Wipe down: walls, closet doors, baseboards

Monthly                              15 minutes
                  Front Yard

Sweep patio
Wipe down door
Shake out mat
Rake/mow (every two weeks + add on 30 minutes)

Monthly                              15 minutes
                  Back Yard

Sweep patio
Wipe down door
Rake/mow (every two weeks + add on 30 minutes)

Monthly                              15 minutes
                  Main Bathroom

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards

Monthly                              15 minutes

Wipe down: walls, door, cabinets, appliances, phone, canisters, baseboards
Monthly                              15 minutes
                  Master Bathroom

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards

Monthly                              15 minutes
                  Laundry Room

Wipe down: appliances, shelf, doors
Sweep floor
Monthly                              15 minutes
                   Coat Closet

Monthly                              15 minutes
                    Living Room

Wipe down: walls, door, baseboards
Vacuum: under cushions and couches.
Windex television
Monthly                              15 minutes
                    Linen Closet

Organize Shelves
    You will notice that most cards say they take only 15 minutes. That's because I only want you to clean for the alotted time. Set your timer and when your done relax.
     I use different colored cards to divide the different zones-like I have above. I file them equally between my two zone cleaning days. (*I also add dust to my zone cards, but you may like to keep it on your weekly home blessing hour card.)
     Copy the card below and place in front of Saturday. It will remind you to pull out the next set of Zone chore cards you will need to file on next weeks zone days.

       File next weeks Zone Cards.
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