Welcome Letter
Your keys to success!



Morning Routine
Afternoon Routine
After Dinner Routine
Bedtime Routine

Getting organized:

Basic Weekly Plan
Home Blessing Hour
Zone Chores

Additional Help:

Address File
Cleaning Tips
File box
Summer Schedule
Welcome Letter
Yearly Reminders
Day 1: We are going to start building our Morning Routines. For now, I want you to get a package of colored index cards and a plastic sandwich bag. This is where you will keep your cards for now.

Take a pink card out and write Morning Routine on the top. Now I want you to write Make bed, Dress to lace up shoes, and Keep sinks shining. These are the only things I want you to do today, beside what you normally do.

First thing when you wake up, make the bed. You may have to wait if DH is still in it, but get it done as soon as he gets up. It just makes the room look cleaner. Now get dressed to tie shoes. This will include fixing your hair and face. Wipe down the bathroom sink. Now go shine your kitchen sink. Pull all those dirty dishes out and give it a good scrub. Get all those crevasses with a toothbrush. Now dry it out with a towel. Be sure to dry your sink out when you are done using it to keep it shining. Great job!

Day 2: Continue to do your three new habits. You don�t have to be perfect. That is where we get into trouble. Just do your best!

Day 3: Continue to do your three new habits. Soon you�ll be doing this on automatic pilot. Be proud of yourself for deciding to make healthy habits. You can do it!

Day 4: Today I want you to continue your Morning routine. Let�s add on a new routine. Take a new pink card and write Bedtime Routine on the top. Now I want you to write Keep sink shining and Layout clothes for tomorrow. Do these sometime shortly after dinner. There are some mornings where thinking about what to wear is a chore. This will give you one less thing to do tomorrow morning.

Day 5: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 6: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 7: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime routine. Let�s add another healthy habit. Pull out your Morning routine and write 2-minute Fire drill.

A Fire drill is needed for those hot spots. You know where ever you dump the mail, kid�s paperwork, piles of books, laundry on the couch and any place where things are piled. Set a timer for 2 minutes and clean. When the timer goes off-stop. Your done for now. You�ll be amazed at how much you can get accomplished in such a short amount of time.

Look at you! It has been a whole a week into our new habits. If you found you've missed a day DO NOT START OVER. Just jump in where you are. Do not worry about being perfect. No beating yourself up if you don't do one thing on your list. I don't do everything I have planned everday, but I continue to do what I can. You can do it too!

Day 8: Continue reinforcing those healthy habits. Morning routine and Bedtime routine.

Day 9: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 10: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine. Do you remember the Fire drill? I want you to add this to your Bedtime routine. Some of the clutter that has been surrounding you should be slowly easing up. It takes time to get rid of all that extra stuff. Be patient with yourself. It didn�t get this way over night. Keep up the good work!

Day 11: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 12: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 13: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine. We are going to learn about a 5 minute room rescue.

Get a grocery bag and a box or laundry basket. Now set a timer for 5 minutes. Pick the room that needs rescuing today. Start your timer and go for it. Throw away any trash. Now pick up those things that don�t belong in this room and put them in the basket.

When the timer goes off, throw the bag of trash away and put away everything in the box or laundry basket. Everything needs a home. Find it one or get rid of it. Stop holding onto things that take up space and have stopped making you happy.

Day 14: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine. Time to celebrate! You have been making healthy habits for two weeks. Do something special for yourself. Soak in the tub. Read a book. Paint your toenails. You pick.

Day 15: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 16: Continue your Morning routine and Bedtime Routine. What�s for dinner? Write this on your Bedtime Routine card. Think about what is for dinner tomorrow. Do you need to pick something up? Make it a priority to get what you need. Dinner will come together seamless if we have all the ingredients for the meal.

We are going to start the Afternoon routine. This starts anywhere from when kids are out of school or you get home from work (3 to 5 o�clock). Pull out a yellow card and write Afternoon routine on the top. Below that write Make a snack, Homework (if you have kids), and Start dinner.

Day 17: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 18: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 19: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine and Bedtime Routine. Time to add more healthy habits.

On a yellow card, write After Dinner Routine on the top. Pull out your Morning routine and Afternoon routine cards. Write Throw in a load of laundry on the Morning routine card, Clothes to the dryer on the Afternoon Routine card, and Fold clothes and put away on the After Dinner Routine card. These are great reminders to be sure you complete all five steps. Doing a load everyday will help tackle those mounds of clothes and keep them under control.

Day 20: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 21: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine.

Time to celebrate! You have been making healthy habits for three weeks. Do something special for yourself. Soak in the tub. Read a book. Paint your toenails. Go to the movies. You pick.

Day 22: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine. We are going to start a new tool for getting our homes clean. It�s the 15 minute de-clutter. Add this to your morning routine.
Grab a grocery bag and two boxes or baskets. One box or bag is for the things you are getting rid of, and put it in your car so when you are out doing errands you can drop it at a second hand store. Another option is on the curb for those trucks that pick up donations.

Set a timer for 15 minutes. Choose an area, room, drawer, or closet and move your buns. Throw away any trash. Now pick up those things that don�t belong in this room and put them in the basket. Toss the stuff you don�t love anymore in its own box or bag.

When the timer goes off, throw the bag of trash away and put away everything in the box or laundry basket. Put the give away box in the trunk.

Day 23: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 24: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 25: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine. Time for some new healthy habits.

Grab the After dinner routine and write Load dishwasher/wash dishes, Wipe down table, counter, and stove, Set out new towel and wash cloth. There is nothing like waking up to a clean kitchen. It always makes me smile.

Day 26: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 27: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine.

Day 28: Continue your Morning routine, Afternoon routine, After dinner routine and Bedtime Routine.

Time to celebrate! You have been making healthy habits for four weeks. That�s a whole month. Do something special for yourself. Soak in the tub. Read a book. Paint your toenails. Go to the movies. You pick.

I want you to add a couple more habits to your Bedtime routine. 5 minute house rescue and Go to bed. You need sleep. Pick a decent time and stick to it. The House rescue is like the room rescue, except you are going to cruise through each room and pick up things to be put away. This is one I have my kids do in their own rooms every night. I find it takes them under 2-minutes to get their rooms done.

I also want you to try a few other tools on the site. One is the
Home Blessing Hour. We take ten minute intervals to do the following tasks: vacuum, sweep, mop, empty trash, polish mirrors, scrub toilets, dust, and change sheets. Done once a week the chores are less daunting.

The basic week plan is a great tool for keeping us organized all week long. Here is what my looks like: Monday-Weekly Home Blessing, Tuesday-Zone cleaning day, Wednesday-Paperwork day, Thursday-Grocery and Errand day, Friday-Zone cleaning day, Saturday-Family fun day, and Sunday-Sabbath day.

Zone cleaning is a tool that breaks down our house into weeks to do those tasks that are done less often. Click here for more information.

Paperwork day is the day you balance your check book, pay bills, gather library books, clean out your purse, clean out the car, fill up with gas, and make a grocery list.

On Grocery and errand day, you get all that shopping and trips to the post office and library done.

Have fun with your family! Spend those few precious hours that you have with them and do something you all love.

Feel free to look around the website. There are more tools to be found.
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