Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition

Eve and Chris Flashback Moment 

This week's flashback comes from1998 when Chris' loyalty to Eve was put to the test yet again. (Upon hearing the (untrue) news that Chris has been spreading the word of the pregnancy she hid from DV to Courtney, Eve comes to his apartment and a heated discussion begins.  Because of the lie Frank and Courtney have cooked up, Eve believes that Chris has betrayed her trust and is about to walk out the door when Chris stops her.)
Chris: (pleading) Give me five minutes. 
Eve:  (tears in her eyes) No. 
Chris:   Eve hear me out because I'm your friend, your martini buddy. 
Eve:  Reminding me of that just makes me angrier. 
Chris:  (She moves to leave and he grabs her arm pulling her back in again) Then stay because I'm your doctor.  (she turns to face him) I took good care of you and for that I deserve five minutes. 
Eve:  (With obvious hurt) You have two. 
Chris:  Fine. (pause as he touches his face searching for right words) Look I learned a long time ago not to depend on anyone. I can count the number of friends I've had in my life on one hand...on the two fingers of one hand and still I never really trusted them, and then I met you. 
Eve: Are you through? 
Chris:  (Sigh) No I'm not.  Now we both know that I'm not very good at sacrifice, but I would sacrifice my life for you. 
Eve: (disbelieving) Oh come on Chris. 
Chris:  (impassioned) I'm serious.  If a train were bearing down on you I'd step in front of you, a speeding bullet--hey I'll take it. 
Eve:  (a hint of a smile) You're getting a little carried away. 
Chris:   I'm about as good at sincere as I am at sacrifice, but you are my best friend and I would never, ever stab you in the back.  I mean if you cut me off, who's going to keep me on the straight and narrow right?  (softer with tears threatening) I mean, who would try anyway? Please don't--don't walk away from me." 
(Commercial break.  When we return, there's a long silence as looks are exchanged between the duo and emotions are running wild as nothing is said.  Finally Eve breaks the silence) 
Eve:  (she nods) Okay. 
Chris:  (unsure) Okay? 
Eve:  Okay.  I believe you. 
Chris:  Good.  Good because I'm telling you the truth. 
Eve:  Yeah well if that speeding bullet thing ever happens, I'm holding you to it. 
Chris:  (As Eve steps away Chris looks relieved before cracking a grin)  Did I say speeding bullet?  See I just kind of meant if someone lobbed a box of ammo at you. (he teases) 
Eve: (laughs) I knew it was too good to be true.  Okay, if you didn't tell Courtney that I had a baby who did? 
Chris:  Why is Frank trying to use it to blackmail you? 
Eve:  (slight laugh) You know just when I think my life is starting to have some sort of order, somebody throws a stick of dynamite into it. 
Chris:  They're not going to blow it up.  We won't let that happen. 
Eve: (look exchanged between them and she smiles slightly) We won't let that happen.  (pauses) I'm really sorry I doubted you. 
Chris:  (with a nod) You can make it up to me by giving me a full body massage. 
Eve: (laughs again) Dream on. 


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