Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition


1) Besides nolan(because we all know how hot he is) who do you think is the best looking guy on pc? 
a. thorsten kaye 
b. alex mendoza 
 c. jay pickett
 d. jon lindstrom 
e. kiko ellsworth  
f. brian presley 
2) What do you think will end up happening to Arianna?
 a. she will die because Karen disapears and Eve's pregnant. 
b. they will find someone else as her donor.
 c. her family tracks her down and finish the job. 
d. i don't care this storyline is like pulling teeth.
Send your responses to: Poll Answers 

Send your Poll answers to Poll Answers

Last week's results:
This week it was close as we all were undecided on how this would go, but as of the end of the poll, this is what the cheerleaders thought.

Should Eve end up pregnant what will happen, 
a. get back together with Ian and have a happy life with him.--3 votes
b. Marry Chris for the sake of the baby and a whole bunch of things will follow perhaps leading to an Ian/Eve/Chris triangle.--4 votes
c. Knowing Eve's history, she'll probably end up losing the baby in some tragic tale as PC doesn't like children it seems.--2 votes
d.  I have no idea but a pregnancy story now is nuts!!!--3 votes

Predictions By Madame P. See----Your Psychic PC Connection

(all predictions made from the great beyond with a bit of tongue in cheek humor)
**Chris Prediction:  Chris shall find love with an unexpected person, launching into the summer with a compelling triangle of lovers which would cause all the residents of Port Charles to gasp. 
**Chris Reality:  Chris is headed down that same dreaded road of loving and losing his most favorite unrequited love of all.

**Eve Prediction: Eve shall lose all hope, fall into despair and pine away for all her losses leading to a stay in Ferncliff for our beloved heroine.
*Eve Reality: Eve is never EVER EVER EVER this unlucky.

**Karen Prediction: Karen fades into history never to be heard from again.
**Karen Reality: In actuality....I could care less if this actually did happen.

**Alison and Jack Prediction: fall into a whirlwind love affair leaving Livvie and Jamal on the sidelines.
**Alison and Jack Reality: This would actually utilize chemistry between two that's gonna happen...sheesh.


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