Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition

(Each week there is a fanfic submitted for this portion of the newsletter.  If you have something you'd like to contribute send it to Tona and we'll work on letting the world see your creativity.)

''Oh my god, Eve... Eve.... can you hear me?'' Chris asked touching her cheek then moving his fingers to check her pulse, '' to me, baby...'' he said before actually seeing the extent of her injuries, ''Oh my dear god....what has he done to you?'' 

Eve was overcome with chills when she heard Chris call out to her. Barely opening her eyes, she tried to focus on him. Her voice was hoarse and strained as she felt him beside her,  ''Chris....'' she spoke his name fighting to get the words out as she let out another pained cry feeling a sharp pain run through her, ''Oh God...'' she choked feeling herself cough up blood as she turned her head slightly. 

''Eve, talk to me,'' Chris urged reaching out to her. 

''Chris.....'' she sobbed feeling herself gasping for air,''.....something....something's wrong........the baby......'' she cried out letting out another moan. 

''We've got to get her to a hospital.'' Victor said moving in for a closer look seeing what had happened to her after he'd caught up to Chris. ''Oh God!'' 

''Chris.......please.........the baby..........'' she spoke through labored breaths feeling the pain run through her body. 

''Oh god,'' Chris said swallowing hard as he looked her over, ''Victor, call an ambulance,'' he said checking her over, ''Are you having contractions?'' he asked seeing the pained look on her face, ''Stupid question. How long has it been?'' he asked in panicked voice. 

''Chris it's too soon.....'' she said crying harder. ''It's not the right time.......she can't be...'' Eve let out another pained cry. ''Chris......we have to stop them......oh.....'' she screamed out feeling pain rip through her body. 

''It's okay, Eve. We're going to get you to the hospital. It's going to be okay,'' he said squeezing her hand again. 

''Chris it's too soon,'' she whispered feeling her chest tighten. 

''It's going to be alright Eve.'' 

''No.....'' she cried out. 

''The ambulance is on it's way,'' Victor announced moving to her side, ''Eve, can you hear me?'' 

''Victor......'' she spoke in between breaths, '' have to stop this.'' 

''Help is on the way Eve,'' Victor said his heart breaking as he looked over the handiwork of Henry Ramsey having an all too familiar feeling rush through him. 

''We're going to get you to GH and you're going to be okay,'' Chris replied as the ambulance arrived. 

''I'll look after Josh,'' Victor said taking a step back and watching the paramedics move Eve. 

''Thank you Victor,'' Chris said briefly before turning to his wife. 


''I'm right here.'' Chris responded reaching for her hand, ''Eve, you and Faith have got to be okay,'' he said as they got into the ambulance and he took a stethoscope from one of the paramedics to listen to any movement of the baby. 

Eve felt a groan building in her throat as he tried to listen to the baby. She tried her best to stay alert, but found herself slipping in and out of consciousness as she saw how much blood she 
was losing. '' something......'' she said crying unable to mask the pain she was feeling. ''Our little girl.........Chris you have to help her......'' 

''We're going to save her okay,'' he said as he started an IV. ''We're going to help you and her, okay?'' he said touching her forehead. 

''Chris help her.......'' she said feeling the world grow dark around her as she slipped out again. She could hear the paramedics speaking faintly as she fell into the pain knowing that it was just too soon to be happening. Suddenly she opened her eyes in a panic. ''Josh.......where's Josh.....'' 

''He's with Mrs. Ford. I'm sure Victor will go check on him for us, okay?'' he said squeezing her hand again, ''Karen's on call,'' he said glancing up to the driver who signaled that they were almost there, ''She's going to take care of our baby, okay?'' 

''Chris.......we can't lose her....'' she said knowing that things were happening too fast as her concern turned to the baby. Eve felt the ambulance stop and they moved inside. 

Karen had been alerted of Eve's condition as she was wheeled in and instantly she rushed over to help Chris seeing what a mess Eve was. ''How far along are the contractions Chris?'' Karen asked seeing that Eve was obviously in labor as she cried out. 

''Two minutes but they're getting faster,'' Chris said as they transferred Eve from the ambulance gurney to a hospital gurney, ''She's lost a lot of blood, Karen,'' he said holding Eve's hand still. 

''Eve? Eve can you hear me?'' Karen asked seeing the amount of pain she was in. 

''Karen, you have to stop's too soon.....the baby's not ready's too early.....'' Eve cried in agony. 

''Eve, we're going to do all that we can.'' 

''It's too soon.....'' Eve trailed off feeling another contraction. 

''Karen's going to do everything she can, Eve.'' 

''I can't stop labor . . . not with the contractions so close together now. I'll call Dr. Neuman,'' Karen said walking to the phone. 

Chris touched Eve's cheek, ''Eve, just hold on baby.'' 

''Chris it's too soon. We know that she's not ready to come out yet.....'' Eve said screaming in agony unable to control the pain. ''It's too soon and we both know what will happen......'' she said crying.....''Chris we can't lose her......'' she burst into tears. ''I can't let my baby die........this isn't her fault....she shouldn't have to suffer for what...what...I've...done...Chris..'' 

''You didn't do anything Eve. It's not your fault. Henry's the one that's done this to you and to Faith. Just hold on, baby,'' Chris said as Karen rejoined them. 

''I'm going to give you something for pain, Eve. Dr. Neuman will be down in a moment.'' 

''Chris.....'' Eve said his name feeling the injection. ''Chris.....we can't let this happen now....I'm not far along enough....she won't stand a chance....'' Eve looked to Karen pleading. ''You have to help us.'' 

''We're going to do all we can Eve. Dr. Neuman will be here soon,'' Karen said sadly. 

Chris' heart was breaking as he stood so helpless for his wife and child. There was nothing he could do to help either one of them. He looked over to Karen, ''How long before Dr. Neuman can get down here?'' 

''She's on her way,'' She said adjusting Eve's IV. 

''Eve,'' he said softly still holding her hand, so afraid that with the amount of blood that Eve had lost that he was going to lose both of them, ''Just hang on baby. Please just hang on.'' 

''Chris......I'm so sorry.....'' she said with tears in her eyes. ''I tried to stop them.......I begged for Faith.....'' she said in agony. ''I pleaded but they wouldn't hear of it....'' 

''Shhh, I know Eve. I know you did. It wasn't your fault. This isn't your fault,'' he said watching Dr. Neuman come into the room. 

''Eve, we're going to take care of you now. You and the baby,'' She said looking over the chart. 

''You're going to be just fine,'' he said praying to god that he was telling her the truth. 

''Eve, we're going to have to take you into surgery. You've lost a lot of blood and it'll be best for the baby.'' 

''It's too early,'' Eve said feeling panicked, ''It's too early for the baby to survive if you take her.'' 

She looked at Eve sadly, ''The baby's going to be born today one way or the other. There's nothing we can do to stop it now.'' 

''No.....'' Eve said in a panic looking to her husband. ''Chris.....Chris we can't let this happen.......she'd not ready.'' Eve looked to Dr. Neuman. ''I'm not far enough along.....I'm about five months along. It's too early and her chances of survival are slim.'' she said with tears in her eyes. ''There has to be another way.'' 

''I'm sorry Eve. There's not,'' She said solemnly. 

Chris looked at Eve and felt the tears in his eyes, ''Oh god, I'm so sorry Eve,'' He said knowing that it was all his fault that she was losing her baby, that she was in this condition to begin with. It was all his fault that Faith wouldn't be able to live. 

''We need to go now,'' Dr. Neuman said as she stepped over to put up the bed rail. 

Eve took in her words crying unbelievably as it sunk in. She was going to lose Faith....her little girl. All the pain she was feeling was nothing in comparison to the thought of losing her little girl as she silently pleaded with God to take her instead and let the baby live. 

Chris stood there watching Eve cry for her baby, their little girl, Faith. Their Faith wasn't going to make it. He was supposed to the one to protect them, but he had failed. He hadn't protected either of them. 

Dr. Neuman took Eve out of the room to surgery and Chris remained standing there. Chris looked down and he saw the blood on his hands from where he had tried to help her, to help Faith. He cried openly as he sank down onto a nearby stool. He had caused all of it. Would Eve ever be able to forgive him?.....Oh was he going to tell their son? 

''Chris, I'm not going to lie to you. Eve's in bad shape and the baby, well, Chris it's heartbreaking, but she needs you in there,'' Karen said with tears in her eyes as she placed a hand on his shoulder. 

''How can I face her?'' Chris asked himself. ''Karen, how bad is it?'' 

''I've never seen her like this before,'' she confessed opening the door further as she stepped inside to reveal Eve laying in the hospital bed listening to the sounds of the machines as no one gave her answers that she needed. 

Hurting and terrified, Eve looked to one of the nurses. ''Where is she? Denise? Michelle? Please talk to me. What's happening?'' Eve asked one of the nurses as she walked away. Eve saw Karen as she entered the room. ''Karen.....where's my baby? Where is she?'' 

Karen stood silent watching Eve for a moment before Chris stepped inside. 

Chris walked inside and felt like the world had been ripped out from under him. Eve was hooked up to monitors and machines and IVs and she looked so fragile, so broken. He walked over to her with tears in his eyes, pulling up a stool to sit beside her. She looked at him desperately wanting to know something about her daughter. He took her hand and watched her as she looked to him again. 

''Where is she Chris?'' Eve questioned weakly. 

''She's in the NICU, Eve. It doesn't look good,'' he said softly amongst the tears in his eyes. 

''Chris I didn't get to see her.....'' Eve said feeling him holding her hand. ''They took her away without letting me see her...Chris...I have to see my baby,'' she said bursting into tears. ''Please...let me see her...I need to hold her...To let her know her mommy loves her...'' 

''She knows,'' Chris said in tears, ''She knows you love her, baby. You're not doing so well yourself....and you need to heal. I know you want to see her but Eve.....not this way.'' 

''No.....Chris.....I can't let her go like this.......not like before.....'' Eve said weakly struggling to get up from the bed but failing. ''I need to be with her.....please......Chris I can't let him take her away from me too like he did with Josh. Chris.....'' Eve said begging him. ''I don't care what happens to me.....she needs me right now.....'' 

'' have to care about what happens to you. You need to rest,'' Chris said touching her cheek before he turned to Karen, ''Karen, I know it's not hospital there anyway we can bring Faith in here?'' 

''Chris....I don't think that's such a good idea.'' 

''It's either that or I'm taking Eve out of this bed to see her. Come on, Karen. We both know that it's not going to make a difference in Faith's condition. Please?'' 

''Chris....'' Karen started to protest before nodding unable to mask her own tears as she left the room. 

Eve watched her leave as she felt her tears falling. ''Chris I tried so hard to fight him......but he was there taunting me and those animals.......they just wouldn't stop......because of what I did........'' she cried harder. ''And now my baby......'' she couldn't speak she was so choked up. ''He hurt my baby girl.....'' 

''Shhh,'' Chris tried to soothe her as he wiped tears from her cheek, ''I'm so sorry this all happened to you, Eve. I said I would protect you and I didn't,'' he cried, ''I couldn't protect you and Faith and I am so very sorry for that. I should have been there to keep you safe from him,'' he said wiping his own tears, ''I love you Eve. I'm so sorry for all of this,'' he said looking at the monitors and machines before the door opened behind him. 

Chris looked back as Karen and a nurse brought in the incubator with their tiny baby girl inside. He couldn't believe she was so small with tubes and wires taped to her tiny body. Seeing her coming in, Eve cried harder wanting to hold touch her to feel her in her arms as she looked so weak. 

Eve looked to Karen silently thanking her for this moment as she spoke up. ''Kevin needs to know about this Karen....'' 

''I'll call him Eve,'' Karen nodded giving the nurse instructions as she walked out of Eve's room still trying to hold her own tears as she went to the nurse's station and called Kevin, so dreading having to tell him the news. 

''Look at her Chris.....she has the tiniest feet and hands I've ever seen.....'' Eve said wanting to touch her daughter. 

Chris nodded, ''She does,'' he said wiping another tear from his own cheek as he saw her little face and his heart broke all over again, ''She's beautiful Eve.'' Chris said softly as he squeezed Eve's hand. 

''She is very beautiful......'' Eve said looking at her. ''We love you so much Faith.....'' she said faintly feeling her heart sinking. 

Chris squeezed Eve's hand and whispered, ''We do love you baby girl. Your brother loves you too. We all love you so much.'' 

Eve cried harder thinking about it all as she looked at weak and defenseless. ''How could they do this Chris?'' Eve asked sobbing. ''How could they hurt her like this?'' 

''I don't know how anyone could, Eve,'' Chris said moving on the side of the bed to hold her better, ''I just don't know how anyone could.'' 

''They can't get away with this Chris.....'' Eve said her grief mixed in with rage. ''They aren't going to get away with hurting my little angel......'' she said with tears in her eyes as Eve watched her unable to look away. 

''They're not going to, Eve. I promise you that Henry is not going to get away with this,'' Chris said firmly, tears on the verge as he held her to him. 

Eve held onto him lost in her tears as she looked at their little girl hanging on by a thread leaving her heart breaking in two. 

Chris held onto her, so unsure of what to say or do feeling this was all his fault. He had brought Henry into her life and in some way he felt he was responsible for this, all of this. As he watched Eve's baby girl, he felt his heart breaking all over again knowing how Eve wanted to hold take her in her arms as he saw how fragile she was. 

''Oh Faith....'' Eve cried feeling Chris' arms around her as she watched Faith. 

''Eve, I know you don't want to, but you need to try to rest,'' Chris said softly knowing that it was useless to ask her to rest while Faith's time was ticking away. 

''No,'' she said shaking her head as she tried to get out of the bed to get closer to Faith. She felt Chris holding her back, but she needed to be with her baby and as she moved she ripped the IV out of her arm and cried out. 

''Eve, Eve,'' Chris pleaded with her trying to get her to lay back. ''Eve, lay back and I'll get her for you,'' The neonate nurse shot Chris a look and he gave her an equally distasteful look, ''Lay back and let's get this iv fixed and I'll get Faith for you. I promise.'' 

''Chris.....'' Eve said feeling weak as she reluctantly laid back. ''I can't lose her...'' she said holding his arm as the tears fell from her eyes. ''Henry has already taken so much away from me....he can't have her too....'' 

''Eve...'' Chris said desperately not really knowing what to tell her or what to say. In her head she knew that Faith didn't have a fighting chance, but her heart was telling her otherwise. And he found himself hoping beyond hope that Faith might be able to beat the odds and just hang on. 

Once Eve's IV was back in place she moved over to Faith's incubator. The nurse started to argue with Chris before he gave her a stern look. She gave him a sympathetic look and nodded before getting a warming blanket ready. Faith was so tiny. Her little limbs were incredibly frail. Chris scooped her into his hands and eased her into the warming blanket that the nurse had ready, keeping the tubes free of any blockage as he held her in his arms. Holding her made this so much harder. It had made her real and knowing that they were going to lose her in the end made him not want to let go of her. 

Chris looked at Eve who looked so desperate to see her daughter. He moved over to the bed and slowly eased Faith into her arms as Eve accepted her with ease. Eve let out a gasp as she felt Faith in her innocent and just looking at her...having the child in her arms, made Eve love her all the more. 

Eve found herself lost in thoughts about all the plans she'd had for her....for them as a family.....from her first steps to her first day of school to her first dance...tears fell from Eve's eyes as she looked at her wondering how something so precious and innocent had to suffer like this. Eve looked to Chris with a proud smile. ''She's beautiful isn't she?'' 

''Yes she is,'' Chris said touching her cheek as she looked at Faith. ''She's a beautiful little girl,'' he said watching her. He reached over to touch Faith's hand, her little fingers were so tiny but long. He half-smiled, ''Such long fingers,'' he said thinking that she would have made a wonderful piano player. 

''And perfect at that,'' Eve said smiling as she looked at her. ''She's going to break hearts someday Chris and once we get her home, everything is going to be okay.'' Eve said trying to convince herself against what she knew to be true. ''She's going to be so happy with us Chris and while she may be small, we're not going to let that keep her down. She's a fighter and she's going to make it.....aren't you?'' she said with a soft laugh. ''Your daddy is going to be so proud of you Faith. You're just the most beautiful little angel.'' 

Chris found his heart was breaking into a million pieces as he put his arm around her, ''Eve, she's too small,'' Chris said moving his hand over the tiny pink cap atop Faith's head. ''She's a fighter just like her mom, but she's not going to be able to win this one. I'm so sorry baby,'' he said moving his hand to Eve's cheek. 

''No, she's going to make it Chris....she has to.'' Eve said with tears in her eyes. 
''I am so so sorry Eve,'' Chris told her softly trying to soothe her as he heard the door open. 

Eve looked up to see Kevin and she forced a smile holding Faith closer to her. ''Daddy's here,'' she said in a soft whisper meeting his eyes. 

''Oh Eve,'' Kevin said finding himself unprepared for what was right before his eyes. Eve looked as though she'd been through a war and beyond that he saw the small child in her arms, the baby....his baby. He blinked back the tears as the weight of it all tugged at his heart. 

''Kevin, come and see our little girl,'' Eve said weakly as he stepped towards her. 

Overcome by so many emotions that he couldn't think straight, Kevin moved in closer seeing his daughter in Eve's arms. This was all happening too fast and it was just so wrong. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. His little girl wasn't supposed to come this early and be this small, he thought to himself as he sat next to Eve on the other side of Chris. 

''What is her name?'' Kevin asked softly choking back the tears. 

''Faith,'' Eve said with tears falling down her face as she looked over at Chris with a soft smile. ''Her big brother came up with the name,'' she said turning to Kevin. ''Do you like it?'' she asked softly. 

''I love it Eve. Her brother has incredible taste there,'' Kevin noted looking to his daughter. ''Josh really came up with that?'' 

''He was really proud of himself,'' Eve nodded looking to their daughter. 

''As he should be. I think it is beautiful, just like her,'' Kevin whispered behind tears knowing that she didn't have a chance but he found himself praying like he had never prayed before anyway. 

Chris watched the two of them and smiled at Eve when she mentioned Josh. Josh had loved Faith so completely. He had thought of things to teach her even in his short time of knowing he would be a big brother. And now he wouldn't have that chance with her. Chris knew he'd have to tell Josh about Faith. 

Chris looked to Eve feeling the moment between her and Kevin as he touched Eve's cheek, ''I'm going to check on Josh,'' he said moving away from the bed. 

Feeling overwhelmed with guilt and anguish, Chris stepped away from Eve and Kevin slightly so they'd have a moment with their daughter. He walked to the window wondering why his punishment had been levied on Eve and her daughter. 

''Daddy loves you so much.'' Kevin said softly between tears and silent wishes. 

''She knows you're here Kevin. You can see it in her face,'' Eve said behind a mask of tears as she touched their daughter. ''She loves you too daddy,'' Eve said with a smile looking to 

''You are so beautiful my princess,'' Kevin said softly kissing his finger and bringing it to her forehead. 

''She's so perfect Kevin.....she's just so wonderful. I mean just look at her.....she's the one thing that we did right together....'' Eve said proudly holding Faith close to her never wanting to let her go. 

''Yes she is Eve. She's so perfect,'' Kevin nodded. ''He seems good with her too,'' Kevin said softly admitting that Chris was good for them both as he saw the apparent concern in Chris' 

''Chris has been wonderful. He loves us both very much....'' Eve said smiling at her husband. 

''I can see that now Eve,'' Kevin replied softly looking at Faith. ''I would give everything I have ever had to fix her,'' he whispered while wiping a tear off his face. 

Eve looked at Kevin seeing his pain and her heart broke in two. ''Kevin....I'm so sorry.....I tried so hard to get her away from all of this....'' she said looking at their baby. 

''Eve, what happened?'' he asked looking to her. 

''I went home after leaving Josh and Chris and they were there...'' she explained with tears in her eyes as her hold on Faith tightened. 

''Who was there?'' 

''Henry and his men,'' Eve explained, ''he said he'd be back but I wasn't expecting all of them. I should've been ready.'' 

''Henry?'' Kevin repeated after a moment, ''Eve, who's Henry?'' 

''Kevin, there were too many of them and then when I tried to get away,'' she said in between sobs as he wrapped his arm around her. 

''It's okay Eve,'' Kevin said in his heart knowing that it could never be okay as he held her and his daughter close to him. ''It's over now.'' 

''I begged them to let us be, but......'' she started to cry shaking her head. ''It doesn't matter anymore.....she's here and I'm not going to let her go.....not ever...'' 

Kevin's heart broke more for her. ''Eve, I know you love her, I do too. But she... You need to let her go...'' 

''No,'' Eve shook her head. ''Kevin I can't do that. I won't do that. I won't give up on her. She's going to make it,'' Eve said firmly in denial. ''Can't you see that? Our daughter's going to beat this Kevin. She's not leaving us.'' 

''Eve,'' Kevin started unable to find the words himself as he felt the pain of the reality behind their daughter's arrival in the world. 

''Kevin, I fought too hard to get her this far.....she's a fighter. Can't you see that? Our little girl just needs to know we love her....'' she said looking to him. ''Just tell her Kevin.....hearing your voice it's helping her....I can feel it....'' She said sobbing. ''I know it is...'' 

''I do love her, Eve. I love her more than I have loved anybody in my entire life,'' he said softly looking to his daughter, ''I love you Faith. Daddy loves you.'' 

''Mommy loves you too sweetheart,'' Eve added hanging on to the hope inside of her. She looked to Kevin, ''She needs to know that we love her and that we're going to be strong for her Kevin.'' 

''She knows Eve,'' he said struggling to remain in control as he looked to his daughter, ''And I have and will continue to pray to every divine being and everybody I know who might have any influence with any divine being and you are talking to a confirmed non-believer.'' 

''She's still fighting Kevin and having you here with her is only making her stronger,'' Eve continued looking to him as he touched Faith's tiny hand, ''she knows how much we love her.'' 

''Eve, I'd give anything to make this right,'' Kevin said behind tears as his throat tightened, ''When I think of all the times we wasted fighting with one another about where she'd be when she came into this world...'' 

''Kevin, it doesn't matter. She's where she belongs and where she's going to stay, with two parents who love her very much,'' Eve cut him off as the tears fell from her face. 

''I do love her Eve,'' Kevin replied touching her tiny cheek as the monitors beeped, ''She's one of the greatest things to ever come into my life.'' 

''Into our lives Kevin,'' Eve insisted looking to him, ''for so long I wondered how this was going to we were going to pull this off, but Kevin, we did it. We made the most incredible little miracle and here she is in our arms. Our baby Kevin.'' 

''She is so beautiful and brave, she is my hero and I would give the world for her, but save divine intervention she is too little,'' Kevin said softly. 

''Kevin, she may be small, but she's not giving up,'' Eve said firmly, ''She fought to make it into this world and she's going to fight to stay in it.'' 

''Eve, oh God I wish that our prayers alone could keep her here,'' Kevin started, ''there's nothing I want more, but we both know that it was too soon....'' 

''She may have come early, but she's not leaving us Kevin....'' Eve said turning to look at him when she heard a noise coming from one of the machines Faith was hooked up to. Eve looked at Faith and noticed that she'd turned blue. 

''No....'' Eve cried out as the nurse came towards them reaching for Faith. 

''I'm sorry Dr. Ramsey, but it's time,'' the nurse apologized. 

''No.....please......'' Eve said watching her taking Faith away as she reached for Kevin tugging on his arm. ''You can't let them take her....please something....'' 

''I'm so sorry Eve,'' Kevin began unable to hide the tears building in his eyes as he watched the nurse scoop Faith's lifeless body into her arms. 

'''s not her baby....'' Eve cried struggling to get out of the bed as they started to take Faith further way from her....''Please God no......this can't be happening........Faith!'' 

 ...intrigued with this excerpt??  Well, then try on the whole story I Knew I Loved You.  Chris/Eve and Kevin/Lucy Fans will appreciate this heart wrenching tale (although it does come with a kleenex warning)!!!


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