Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition

Member Interview

Welcome to the Fan Q&A for the Eve and Chris Cheerleaders.  Each week we will be doing an interview with the members to get to know them a little better. This week Kelley is in the hot seat in our third official fan interview as she speaks her mind about Eve, Chris and Port Charles. Kelley has been a very loyal member always offering up help in any way she can and she is also a staff member for the Beyond Destiny: Kevin and Lucy Newsletter.  She's a very loyal PC fan and now it's her turn to be in the hotseat. It's great to have you on board Kelley.

1.  In all your time watching Port Charles what was your favorite storyline?  I started watching Port Charles just after Ian and Eve were taken hostage.  I absolutely love the Fate Storyline that brought Kevin and Lucy back together Forever this time. What story do you feel was most compelling in your eyes or reached you the most since the beginning of Port Charles?  I guess the scenes with Kevin and Lucy reached me the most. I just love the connection between these two.

2.  Of all the characters on the show which one really keeps you glued to your tv set?  There are many but the two that keep me glued to my TV has to be Kevin and Lucy.  Is there any particular character or character(s) that make Port Charles an adventure to watch for you?  Kevin and Lucy

3.  If you were head writer for Port Charles and you were allowed to bring back on past character to the show, who would it be and why?  That's a hard one.    What would they do story line wise?  Also if you could portray any new character on the show, who would you like to be and what characters would you be invovled with?  I would either be Kevin's sister or Lucy's Lil Sis.  The characters involved would be of course Kevin, Lucy, Ian, and Eve.

4.  What social issue do you think PC should/could explore? I guess this one would not be a social issue, but I would like them to explore ways a woman can concieve a child.  Which characters would you involve in the storyline and why?  Kevin and Lucy because of her dream is to have Kevin's children and I want to see her and Kevin happy and the kids that they raise would be the luckiest in the world.

5. Which current storyline do you think is the best?  I liked Fate. I am just starting to watch Flashback to see what I missed and how the show got to the point to where it is right now.  What story would you like to see expanded upon? The relationship between Kevin and Lucy. 

6.  If you could put 'Time in a Bottle' as PC claims to have the ability to do and you could go back and change one thing in PC history, what would it be?  For me, the one that would change PC history would be  Kevin not walking away from Lucy on their wedding day and in connection with that, Them getting married and having that family that they have always wanted. 

7. Thank you so much Kelley for allowing yourself to be in the hotseat.  For offering to put yourself on the spot like this, you get to be a keeper.  So what would you like to be a keeper of?  Kevin and Lucy's Future wedding ( I know this is going to happen.) 


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