Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition


Weekly Recap


Monday:  Alison, Jack and Livvie celebrated the grand opening of there cafe at the Bike Shop. It's now called "Muffins and Mufflers. Outside Zach showed pictures to Jamal of Alison getting that money. Jamal didn't want Zach to go anywhere near Alison. Zach had an idea how Jamal could pay him back by racing him. Jamal accused Jack of setting Alison up but he swears he didn't. He then told Jack what Zach wanted and Jack said he will help Jamal by not racing him.  Karen told Eve she was a match for Arianna. Eve thought it was great cause it's least likely anyone else could save Arianna. Karen was afriad if she did it and when the drugs will get in her she might be addicted to them again. She wants to save Arianna but she needs to save herself too.  Frank went to Jake's and got drunk. He told the bartender he's been talking to someone from 1973 and showed him the note he got from Cookie. The bartender then asks him if this is happening he needs to know why did she choose Frank? Later Frank went back to the garage and vented about why Cookie choosed him. Just then a message came up on the screen and told him the anwser to his question but it wasn't Cookie this time. It said that it's because he is the only friend she has. 

Tuesday: Chris, Ian and Joe are on the computer searching for donors in the On call room.  Chris and Joe suggest giving Arianna an anti-depressent and tells Eve about it, Ian didn't like the idea and didn't want to hear about Arianna and Eve in the same breath. Eve then comes in. Ian wants her to stay anyway. Everyone talks about finding a donor. Eve doesn't talk about what Karen told her but she seems positive that they'll
find the right person. Joe mentions real quick to Ian that if maybe they find a cure for Arianna and if she becomes well him and Eve can try to get back together cause he knows they love each other. Ian get angry then they hear a scream. Someone who is pregnant is getting ready to have a baby. Joe, Eve, Chris and Ian take her to the on call room and she's laying down.  She wants Eve to deliver her baby. She does and she has a baby boy. Ian and Eve smile at each other. Later Ian goes and sits in the chapel. Grainne appears and tells Ian that he looks sad for a person that just delivered a baby. He then talks about how he wants Arianna to be well and also admits that he can't stop loving Eve.  Eve comes in and wants to pray too. She then admits to Ian that she knows someone who can save Arianna but she said she wants to remain anonymous. They then sit in the chapel together.  Cookie comes in to Kelly's in her time. 1973. She asks the watress if Frank came in to ask her about her. The watress says no. She see's 2 girls talking about a dance coming up in school. They also tease Cookie and says she can't get a date. She comes home and calls Scott? She asked him if he could go to the dance with her but he told her he has other plans. She then decides to get drunk.  Frank is still yelling at the computer and asks Nellie, "what do you want from me?" No other messages but the last one is still there saying he's her only friend.   His sweater gets caught and he asked it to let go. He also realizes the computer might be a time machine.  Karen comes in and he tells her he's talking to someone from 1973. She then notices he's been drinking and gets upset with him and storms out. He then finds her outside to say he's sorry. Karen tells him she's afriad she might go off the wagen too and also mentions to him that she is a match for Arianna. Frank tells her that she's not being selfish about it but Karen then refuses to talk about it with him cause he's been drinking and  she goes home.

Wednesday: Lucy and Kevin are at GH and he picks up his messages.  Lucy wants to help and do things for him cause she's still sorry. Kevin told her he wasn't mad anymore. She then gives him coffee and spills it on his shirt. Now Kevin was mad. Lucy overhears Eve and Chris talking. She goes up to Eve. Eve blasts her and says everything is Lucy's fault. She mentions that if Kevin opened the door she wouldn't had gotten hit by Arianna's car.  Kevin comes up and tells Eve to stop it and defends Lucy. Eve says she's sorry and calls herself a bitch.  Lucy then says that she's the one that's a bitch and has a T-Shirt with bitch on it. They forgave each other. Lucy tells Kevin when he stood her for her he reminded her of Russell Crowe. Then she says she felt sorry for Eve and they both hope that Ian and Eve can find there way back to each other like they did.  Chris gives Ian an update on Arianna and tells him she still needs a donor. Ian tells him they might have one. Chris also tells him he should get some rest. Ian falls asleep in Arianna's room and has a dream that he's in bed with Eve. They are happy they are together and Eve said she never heard of Arianna. Then when they kiss Arianna is in bed with Ian and had blood on her nightgown and Ian has it on his hands. Arianna starts saying how it's all his fault. Then the Chief appears and tells Ian that him and Eve can't be together. When Ian wakes up he decides to call the Chief. Karen tells Eve she just can't be Arianna's donor cause she's still afriad she'll get hooked on drugs.  Eve gets upset while he talks to Chris. Chris told her Ian told she found a donor. Eve told him the person didn't want to do it. Chris also says she's not a screw up and we are working together as a team. He tells her someone will turn up and tells her to lighten up. Later she tells Chris she thinks she's the person that should save Arianna and asks him to draw her blood. Chris didn't think she should. Frank talks to Karen and Karen told him she decided not to be Arianna's donor. Frank admits to her he made a big mistake getting drunk. He also tells her he doesn't want to lose her. They make up and make love. 

Thursday: Jamal and Jack talk about what they should do with Zach. They don't tell Alison anyway but she's suspicious. She suggests that maybe they should put a tape recorder in the bike shop to listen to what everyone is saying. Jamal tells Jack that it actually it's a bad idea and has an idea to catch Zach by wearing a wire. He meets with him at the docks.   Livvie is wondering what's up with Jack and thinks he doesn't want to be with her anymore. He kisses her and tells her he still loves her. Livvie asks Jack if they can have dinner with Kevin and Lucy. Livvie says she'll be ok seeing Jack around Lucy now.   Frank and Karen are in bed. Karen admits to Frank that she loves him. She also decided to be Arianna's donor. Frank tells her again that he's talking to Cookie from 1973. She still really couldn't believe it but he tells her it's the truth. He mentions what he found at Kelly's with Cooie's name carved on the windowsill and said that Victor even found out when she made it and tells her about the note. Karen was telling him he should be careful cause something in the past might change the future. Frank isn't worried. One of the girls that teased Cookie calls her up and talks about the guy Cookie wanted to take to the dance. Cookie gets upset and starts drinking. Her and Frank talk on the computer. She tells him about the dance  and he also knows that she is drinking again.  Cookie says that she knows how she can get a boy to like her. Frank thinks she's going to sleep with someone and says that maybe this is why he was choosen to help her to stop her from doing it. Rhonda see's Karen and tells her that she's still upset thinking about her sister's accident and didn't think she should had stood her up the night she died. Karen tells her that she can't live her life regreting the choices you make. Karen also mentions when Rhonda was pregnant with her when she was a teenager. Rhonda tells her she'll never regret having her. Rhonda shows a picture to Karen of an old picture of her from high school. Then we see Cookie looking in the mirror and now we know Cookie is really Rhonda as a teenager. Ian walks in on Chris taking Eve's blood and tells him she's going to be Arianna's donor. Ian didn't like the idea. Eve tells him her blood type is 0 and it's negitive like Arianna's. She's thinking it can work but Ian didn't seem to think so. He then grabs her and she wants him to let go but he decided to give her a hug. Ian tells her she shouldn't feel guilty about anything but Eve says the reason she wants to save her is about her and Ian's destiny. Chris comes back with the results and tells Eve she isn't a match. 

Friday:  Jack is on the phone with Jamal.  Jamal
tells Jack he is going to wait around for Zach. Jamal
then tells Jack to tell Alison that he got hung up.
Zach meets with Jamal at the docks. Zack asks him if
he thought about racing him and Jamal says he thought
about it. Then Zach tells him he didn't think so. 
Jamal tells him he doesn't want Alison to know
anything. He then tells him that he will race him but
he wants Zach to leave Alison alone and he doesn't
want any funny business. Zach agrees then he thinks
something isn't right here. Jamal tells him that he
won't back out. Sam see's Zach and didn't think they
could trust Jamal. Alison tells Jack she is leaving the shop to go get amanicure and asks him to come with her. She's also
wondering if Jack has a thing for her and he said no. 
Alison also asked him if he told Jamal where the money
came from. He said no. Jamal comes back and tells Jack
he got the tape and will tell Dara about it who is the
DA. Alison goes outside and Jack and Jamal hear her
scream. Frank is still trying to get Cookie to not go to the
dance and he finally convinces her not too. He also
mentions to her that he found her note at Kelly's and
Cookie thinks this is really weard he's from 2001. 
Cookie decided to go to bed and Frank was getting
ready to write his last message to her but the
computer didn't work. Karen wants to tell Eve that
she'll be Arianna's donor but as we see her walk in
the hallway of the hospital she vanashes. Frank goes
to GH to find Karen and asks the nurse and Joe where
she is. They said they never heard of her. 
Eve tells Arianna that she going to be her donor but
she wasn't a match. Arianna thanked her anyway for
wanting to save her life. She tells Ian she thinks
she's going to die now. Ian assures her they will find
someone else but Arianna didn't think they'll be hope.
She also tells Ian if she's going to die she doesn't
want to be in the hospital anymore. Ian tells her that
he'll take her home. Eve goes to Jake's for a drink and Chris comes in. He stops her from drinking. Eve didn't care what happened to her body since she was upset she couldn't save
Arianna. Then Chris tells her that she's pregnant. 

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