Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition


A Friend Through All Times

Chris Ramsey can be called many things:  Schemer, Evil-Doer, Manipulator.  But one more word that always applies to Chris in the case of Eve Lambert is one that seems like a contradiction:  Friend.  While Chris has stabbed everyone in Port Charles in the back at one time, including our dear Eve, he shows a caring protective nature for Eve that makes all his misdeeds fade into oblivion.  This week displayed these qualities as prominent as ever before.  Chris wanted to tell Eve about Arianna's progress.  He believed that since she campaigned to give Arianna the
Hepatin, she should know how the patient was doing.  Despite Ian's suggestions, Chris included Eve on the conversation.  Chris defended Eve during an argument with Ian as Chris and Joe tried to get Ian and Eve to 
open their eyes and look at each other and their relationship.  Chris demanded that Ian be honest to which he balked.  Chris only wants what would make Eve happy, and in this moment, Eve believes that Ian is the man 
who could bring her the happiness she's always longed for. Chris may not 
like Ian, may not approve of his methods or his politics, but he loves Eve.  Chris believes in Eve's desire to be happy.  So he is trying to 
support her.  When Eve decided that she would be tested to be a donor for Arianna, Chris tried to discourage her.  He tried to talk her out of her guilt, but eventually, he relented to her wishes.  He tested her and then 
delivered the news to her that she was not a match.  He used the appropriate somber tone, but one could sense there was more waiting.  On Friday, Chris delivered the news which must have hurt him as much as it shocked Eve.  When he told Eve that she was pregnant, he exhibited a hint of regret in his tone.  Is our tarnished hero thinking of might-have-beens?  I think so.  His continued concern for Eve has become heightened recently, but more than that, Chris' portrayer, Nolan North, has 
let us see that the feelings Chris displayed so long ago have never really gone away.  While the writers may have shyed away, Nolan hasn't forgotten, and neither have we.  Chris cares about his best friend in the world more 
than anyone else.  In truth, he loves her.  And now he has to stand by her as she has another man's child.  Can Chris withstand that kind of pain after all he's suffered over the last year?  Can Chris stand idly by?  Or will he finally express himself?  The only way to answer these questions is to watch as the story unfolds right before our eyes.


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