Chocobo's Final Fantasy Haven

Ray Pang





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Final Fantasy VIII

Guardian Force
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Final Fantasy VII

Characters 1 
Characters 2 

Final Fantasy Tactics

Deep Dungeon
Cloud Sub-quest
Zodiac Signs

Final Fantasy VII

:: Command :: Independent :: Magic :: Summon :: Support ::

Summon - Red

These Materia are the most powerful Materia in the whole game, they are all attacking spells and each one is extremely powerful. They may lower your status greatly (HP, Strength etc) but it will boost your MP by loads and let you use a powerful and useful attack especially during boss fights. 

Choco/Mog - A Mog riding a Chocobo appears and dashes at your opponents, sometimes causing Stop. Location: Talk to Chocobo's the first time you go into the Chocobo Farm. (Disc 1).

Shiva - She appears and attacks all foes with Diamond Dust, a strong Ice attack. Location: Get from Priscilla after you saved her in Junon Harbour.

Ifrit - Attacks all foes with a Fire element attack, Hell Fire. Location: Appears after you have defeated Jenova Birth.

Titan - He lifts the ground and crushes his opponents with it, Earth element. Location: Check the old reactor in Gongaga.

Ramuh - Strikes all enemies with a lighting elemental attack. Location: Chocobo's racers room, in the corner (Disc 1).

Odin - Attacks one foe with a spear or slashes (instantly killing) all opponents. Location: Defeat Lost Number in Nibelheim and then pick up the Materia.

Leviathan - Hits for Water damage. Location: Given to you after you have beaten all 5 of the people in Wutai tower.

Kjata - Hit for three different elements, Fire, Ice and Bolt. Location: The sleeping forest, second screen. You should see if jumping around in the trees, just run and catch it.

Bahumut - Attacks with Mega Flare, a non-elemental attack. Location: After you have beaten the dragon inside the Ancient Temple it will appear on the ground.

Alexander - Lasers hitting for Holy damage. Location: In a cave on the Great Glacier, touch the woman after you have touched the springs and defeat her, Alexander should now be your to collect.

Neo Bahumut - Attacks using Giga Flare, another non-elemental attack. Location: Lying on the path close to a save point before the first barrier.

Phoenix - Cause Fire damage to all opponents and revives all dead characters. Location: After the battle at Fort Condor (Disc 2).

Hades - Attacks enemies with various status alignments. Location: Crahed Shinra Plane.

Bahumut Zero - The most powerful form of Bahumut attacks enemies with a non-elemental attack. Location: Blue Huge Materia, examine and if you have got the previous two Bahumuts it will give you Bahumut Zero.

Typoon: Creates a Wind vortex and sucks your opponents into it, causing them to die instantly. Location: In the Old forest near Cosmo Canyon, located near the end of the forest.

Knights of the Round - The most powerful summon in the game, attacks 13 times per summon each doing max damage if powered up. Location: You need a Gold Chocobo, then travel to the top right corner of the map and you should find a island there, simply get off and enter it to collect Knights Of the Round. 



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Red Fist


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