Centre & Connect

By Aurora Starr
November 22, 2000

Sit or lie in a comfortable position and progressively flex and relax each set of muscles in your body. Begin a deep rhythmic abdominal breathing. Start to inhale through your mouth and out through your nose. Then begin to hum with a long even note as you exhale. Each time you ehale make the humming a little stronger and a little longer held. Do that at least twenty exhalations, focusing only on that long humming. (Becareful not to hyperventilate if you feel dizzy or sick, stop you can try again later on.)

When you are felling calm and clear send "root" down into the ground through the root chakra at the base of your spine. Now imagine your energy roots reaching deep into the Earth and branching and holding. Now inhale and imagine the roots drawing the earth's energy up through your roots and into every part of your body. Feel the Earth's ancient wisdom and strength filling you.

When you are ready draw your energy roots back into you. Sit quietly a moment, resume normal breathing, then proceed as usual.

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