Conceptions of the Goddess

by Linda Wilson
October 6, 2000

Most Pagan traditions have one thing in common: In them the Goddess is, truly, all things. She's the embodiment of all power, wisdom, love, fertility, and creativity. She is the nurturing as well as destructive force. She created our universe and shapes our lives.

This may be your concept of the Goddess: She Who Is All. Even so, you'll need to determine some of Her specific manifestations to adequately connect with Her. In other words, you'll have to discover Her personal E-mail address. Her personal portrait of power which, through ritual, will enable you to communicate with Her. The list below is merely a sampling of a few of the Goddess' attributes. Please understand that these are aspects of the same thing, the Goddess, and is far from a complete listing. Here are come clues to determining Her nature:

  • Goddess of the Universe
  • Goddess of the stars
  • Goddess of the Moon
  • Goddess of the Waxing Moon
  • Goddess of the Full Moon
  • Goddess of the Waning Moon
  • Goddess of the Planets
  • Goddess of the Earth
  • Goddess of birth, fertility and of plants
  • Goddess of renewal, beginnings, promise and potential
  • Goddess of childbirth, mothers and mothering
  • Goddess of the animals
  • Goddess of storms, earthquakes, volcanic activity
  • Goddess of gentle rain, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans
  • Goddess of love, beauty, compassion
  • Goddess of healing
  • Goddess of destruction, retribution, war

One conception of the Goddess has become quite popular: the Triple Goddess. In this aspect she is most closely related to the phases of the moon. As the Maiden, she is seen as the New Moon, Freshness. As the Mother, she is seen as the Full Moon, Creativity. And as the Crone, she is seen as the Waning Moon, Wisdom, and Death. This aspect of the Goddess is directly linked with women's lives and cycles and, thus, has become tremendously popular. (Some seem to believe that this is the only conception of the Goddess that has ever existed. It most certainly isn't, but is currently quite a popular belief).

One of the aspect missing from the list is the Goddess of Fate. Many rarely invoke Her in this way, simply because we don't believe in predestination. If we did, we wouldn't practice magic to alter our lives, for what would be the use? However some argue that the Goddess does, indeed, have plans for us and that She can set up situations that will gently remind of us of our lessons, or that will sway us to make correct decision in times of stress. In this way, perhaps, the Goddess can indeed be seen as a Goddess of Fate, but not in the normally understood sense of the word. We don't do the Goddess' will; she always gives us options, and allows us to fall on our faces if (when) we take the wrong course.

As the Goddess of healing, love, beauty, compassion and prophecy, She's worshiped by nearly all. Some emphasize these attributes, at least when in need of them. However, She's always a goddess of love and concern, and healing rituals directed to or through Her will receive Her blessing.

It's time to discuss the many forms that the Goddess may assume. You may have already seen Her in meditation, dreams, and during rituals. If so, think about how She appeared to you. She has a thousand faces, and that which She revealed to you is a valuable tool in contacting her at later times. If you haven't physically seen the Goddess yet (and many have never seen Her), don't despair. It may occur. While waiting, build up your own image of the Goddess, using your feelings, intuitions and perceptions of Her. (Remember that she may secretly assist in this process.)

Some see Her in quite specific ways: Ask a hundred people if they have seen the Goddess, and you will get a hundred fifty different descriptions! Some conceptions may be close to those formed in other cultures: Athena of the hunt, SpiderGrandmother, Diana, Isis, Hecate. Others may be in more generic, nameless: A raven haired young beauty, A kind-looking Mother figure, A wise old Crone. Every one is a highly personal vision of the Goddess. None are incorrect. Again, it may be enough for you to feel her presence. If you've already formed an image of the Goddess (or, putting it another way, if She has already revealed Her form to you), fine. If not, you may with to discover Her form through ritual work, prayer and, perhaps, dreams. One word of warning: If you've already developed a clear picture of the Goddess, and have already determined Her aspects, don't let the above information alter this. Hold fast to that which you discover: It's of the highest rarity and value.

Divine symbols are another aspect of your personal conception of the Goddess. These include both those used in Her worship and those directly or indirectly related to Her. This is in part determined by your understanding of the Goddess. If She's primarily linked wit the Moon, symbols representing the Earth wouldn't speak of Her. Here are some suggested symbols of the types of Goddess listed above, to be used in ritual design, poems, chants and invocations.

  • Goddess of the Universe: (Darkness; black cloth; stars; the night; the void; cauldron; nocturnal flowers and owls)
  • Goddess of the Moon. (Crescents; pearls; moonstones; mirror; silver)
  • Goddess of the Earth. (Fruits; plants, especially grains; fertilizing nature; corn dollies; Goddess animals such as cats, dolphins, lions, horses, dogs, bees; pure water; a shell collected on a beach; cups; chalices; cauldrons; emeralds)
  • Goddess of freshness, renewal, beginnings, promise and potential. (Unplowed fields; eggs; spring; New Moon)
  • Goddess of childbirth, mothers and mothering. (Full Moon; holed stones; round or oval-shaped objects; a baby)
  • Goddess of love, beauty, compassion. (Mirror; hearts; flowers; honey)
  • Goddess of healing. (Purifying waters; power-streaming hands)
  • Goddess of destruction, retribution, war. (Not recommended)

Keep in mind that such symbols may not be actually used in ritual, but can be utilized when writing ritual invocations. The mention of these tools immediately and directly connects your invocation with the goddess. Many other symbols and tools are connected with the Goddess in general and in Her particular aspects. So, it is time to get out your notebooks again. Find a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed. Empty your mind of all thoughts, except those of the Goddess. How do you see Her? Does She reveal her name? (Does she give you one? If so, reveal that to NONE! That is special and sacred and between you and She, but more on that later...) What images do you see or think of when you envision the Goddess? A broom? A cup? A birds feather? Write all these down. In the days that follow, go over your list. Add to it. Cross off things that don't ring true to you. Firm in your mind how the Goddess reveals herself to you. Get to know her. It's a relationship you will cherish forever.

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