The Qabalistic Cross

The ritual of the Qabalistic Cross is a basic psychic exercise of the modern Hermetic tradition. Its purpose is to reinforce a sense of the Here and Now, the conscious self awake in the present moment. This active meditation will focus and integrate one's whole being--body, mind, emotions, and imagination-- toward the ideal of one balanced "Higher Self." In the Qabalistic Cross ritual, we intensely visualize and imaginatively feel 'streams of energy' passing through the body in a meaningful pattern.

The Qabalstic Cross is primarily an exercise of ORIENTATION. It is a formalized way of reminding yourself that you are the exact center of your own
universe, and that everything that you think, feel, and see is created by you. By combining significant symbols with a powerfully imagined emotional and physical experience, somehow the deeper, childlike parts of our minds tap into resources of the collective unconscious. Energy, ideas, and intuitions can come streaming up into normal consciousness, tethered and safely grounded by the 'energy patterns' created by the ritual, which contains a rich spectrum of of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual timulations. Specifically, the symbolic "self-instruction" of the Qabalistic Cross suggests the integration of the many lesser selves into a greater self, and it provides a fourfold map for that purpose.

Being able to achieve "centeredness" is a basic requirement of practical magick. It is the equivalent of being able to play the scale or do simple routines in music and dance. Like elementary exercises in art, the Qabalistic Cross should be performed over and over, month after month, and year after year, until it
becomes so perfectly developed that it can be done quickly and naturally as a spontaneous part of one's
magickal repertoire. As with all meditative exercises, remember that it is the achievement of the desired state of consciousness, and not the rote performance of the ritual, that is the best indicator of success.

Once mastered, the Qabalistic Cross becomes a foundation stone. It can be performed in a second, at any moment of crisis, during trance, or during a pause in a larger group ritual, to strengthen, make secure, and concentrate one's consciousness. It activates the heart chakra, making it an appropriate background exercise for healing and self healing, for
achieving inspiration, and for all other 'heart' practices. It fills the aura with the cleansing light of the Higher Self, which protects one from psychic dangers without fighting. Think of it as a type of
universal ground, a system check which puts your body-mind back into a naturally balanced stability. When in doubt, perform the Qabalistic Cross. Give your genius a call, and get its advice on the situation.

1. Stand facing East, with good posture but relaxed.

2. Visualize yourself getting bigger and bigger, until the Earth is a tiny dot beneath your feet.

3. Perceive a Point of White Light far above you.

4. With your right hand, reach up to the Light.

5. While chanting: ATAH, guide this light down to the point above and between your eyes (the Third Eye).

6. While chanting: MALKUTH, draw the Light downward thru your body to your feet, filling yourself with White Light.

7. Perceive the same Point of White Light far to your right. With your right hand, reach out and guide the Light to your right shoulder, chanting: VE GEBURAH.

9. Continue to draw the Light across your body to your left shoulder, touching it, then extending the Light far to the left, chanting: VE GEDULAH.

10. Bring both hands together on your heart, chanting: LE OLAM.

11. Clasping your hands in prayer, breath deeply to absorb all this Light and Energy. Chant: AMEN.

Qabalistic Cross - Variation

1. Stand facing East, with good posture but relaxed.

2. Visualize yourself getting bigger and bigger, until the Earth is a tiny dot beneath your feet.

3. Perceive a Point of White Light far above you. Stretch up to this Light with your right hand. While chanting ATAH, guide the Light to the point above and between your eyes. Chant: ATAH.

4. While chanting MALKUTH, draw the Light downward thru your body to your feet, filling yourself with White Light, then feel the Green Light of Earth flow up to your chest.

5. Perceive a point of Red Light to your right. With your right hand, reach out and guide the Red Light to your right shoulder, chanting: VE GEBURAH.

6. Perceive a point of Blue Light to your left. With your left hand, reach out and guide the Blue Light to your left shoulder, chanting: VE GEDULAH.

7. Bring both hands together on your heart, mingling the White, Green, Red and Blue Lights. As they explode together into a fiery Yellow Sun, chant: LE OLAM.

8. Clasping your hands in prayer, breath deeply to absorb all this Light and Energy. As you chant: AMEN, radiate the Light and Energy outward, bathing your world in Divine Love.

Second version Copyright © 1995 by Thom Parrott

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