Waning Moon Spell

By Toni Burnett
October 17, 2000

The Waning Moon is the time when the moon is going from Full to New. From Earth, the Moon appears to be getting smaller. This is the time to do spells to banish the things in your life that are no longer serving your highest good. Are you living with fear? Now is a good time to banish it. Want to loose weight? Yep, the Waning Moon period is excellent for that too. Someone in your life giving you a problem? Well, you don't need any more problems, I'll bet.

Many of my students ask for spells to bring love into their lives. We all deserve love, but the Waning Moon is simply a time to release, so the Waning Moon period is just not the best time to do this sort of spell. Wait, the Waxing Moon (New to Full) is just around the corner! That is the time to "bring in". It is always a good idea to write a list of things you want to banish from your life during the Full Moon. This way, when the Moon is Waning you can work on manifesting that list.

The power of all "magick" is in your intention. So, set forth with the intention of getting some things out of your life, and you should be fine. Please note, if there is a person in your life that is simply not doing you any good, it is okay to do a spell so that they leave your life. However, PLEASE make sure to add the karmic clause "with harm to none". This will ensure that they simply go elsewhere, and no harm will come to them. If there is anything in your life that is holding you back from attaining your goals, the Waning Moon is an excellent time for spells of "letting go". This spell is best done on a Saturday, using the energy of Saturn, during a Waning moon.

Take a ritual bath. Here is one of my favorites:
Run the water and add sea salt (Epsom Salt will do). Place some lavender and rosemary in the water (either herbs or essential oil). With your left hand, swirl the water around the tub. Get in and relax. Release the water and visualize that which you want to release flowing down the drain. When ready, pat yourself dry and put on some comfortable clothing, unless of course, you prefer to work skyclad.

Next, light a white candle symbolizing truth and protection. Sit with this candle, and on a piece of paper, write down that which you wish to let go of. Put a lot of intention and emotion into what you are writing (and always be careful what you wish for).

Then, light a black candle. Black is the absence of color and will absorb all of the emotion and intention you put into it. Sit a while, and let your mind wander. Now, take the paper that you wrote you what you want to release on. With the flame of the black candle, light the tip of that paper. Place it in a cauldron or other safe place where it can burn. As it burns, visualize that which you want to release slowly leaving your life. When you are done, snuff out the candles and throw the burned paper out into the wind. Know that the Universe will handle it from here.

Using the right Moon phases when performing spells and rituals significantly enhances your work. However, need comes before anything else. So, if you find yourself needing to release something when the Moon is Waxing and it simply cannot wait for the Waning Moon phase, go ahead and do the spell, but be sure to put extra added emotion into it. Remember to work magick with the threefold law at the forefront of your mind. What you do will return to you threefold. Simply release unwanted energies to the Universe, never asking for harm to come to another.

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