The Personal Masseur

By Amanda D.V. Hiebert
October 19, 2000

I've used this technique from time to time over the last few years, and love it. You can use it at the beginning of a meditation to help you relax, or just make an entire meditation out of it.

I would like to suggest taking advantage of atmosphere for this meditation. Dim the lights, light a candle or two, play some soothing music, and maybe even add some big fluffy pillows to help you feel extra spoiled.

Make yourself comfortable, either sitting, or lying down. Close your eyes, and breath slowly, and easily.

Now, call on your personal masseur. In your imagination picture a couple of cool, light purple, or violet arms resting their hands on your shoulders. Allow your masseur to massage out the tension in your shoulders, and arms, your back, and legs, your neck, anywhere you're tense, and in need of healing. Pay attention to the warmth on your skin from the hands of you masseur.

You can even go the extra mile, and indulge in your imaginations rich store of exotic massage oils. Experiment with various colors for healing, different levels of vibration on your skin, and if you're really up to the challenge, try to imagine the aroma. The massage oils can be a fun, and useful extra in this meditation.

This meditation is very adjustable, so have fun with it. Never hold back when you're taking the time to pamper yourself.

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