Meet Lady Penelope

Greetings from Kent, International Rescue agents. I, Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, am at your service for this delightful exercise. It is my pleasure to share a bit about my life and my work with each of you.

As the agent who covers the greater London region, I am often called to help in matters which cause myself and my resourceful butler, Parker, to employ our expertise in...shall we say...the specialities of the underworld. You wouldn't think that espionage would have a place in a rescue organization, but top secret codes and security access have turned the tide in a number of life-threatening situations.

A little about myself: I was brought up right here in this lovely stately home in Foxleyheath by my parents, Sir Hugh and Lady Amelia Creighton-Ward. Though I had the classic upbringing of a noble aristocrat, I found the social obligations and restrictive, stuffy attitudes to be too stifling for a spirited girl with my sense of fun and adventure. I began my career within the secretive halls of the Federal Agents Bureau. Apparently my exploits became known to Jeff Tracy, the gallant head of the Tracy family, as he worked feverishly at building his organization. After an initial "test," Parker and I joined International Rescue and worked with Brains and Jeff to prepare my home, car and yacht for the communications equipment and protective devices needed. The most useful and versatile of all of Brains' innovations is my beloved pink Rolls Royce, FAB 1. As trusty and sporting as Parker, FAB 1 has never ceased to get me out of any pickle of a predicament.

While you'll never catch me wearing the familiar International Rescue sash as the boys do (terribly unsuitable and likely to crease an elegant frock, you know), I have participated in a number of rescues, none the less. I am well known within the organization for having nerves of steel, a head for heights, the ability to keep my cool in the face of danger...and a serious dislike for mice!

Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde
Birthday: Dec. 24
Age: Please...a lady never tells!

Dangerously Stylish!
More On IR:
Meet Virgil Tracy
Meet John Tracy
Meet Gordon Tracy
Meet Alan Tracy
Meet Parker
Meet Tin-Tin
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My Info:
Lady Penelope, International Rescue Organisation
Email: [email protected]

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