Meet Tin-Tin

Hello, everyone! I'm Tin-Tin Kyrano, the technical engineer for International Rescue base. My primary duties revolve around maintenance of the Thunderbird vehicles and assisting Brains in the laboratory and workshop. It's certainly not the life I would have envisioned as I was growing up, but that's all down to the generosity of Jeff Tracy.

I was born in France on June 20, 2044, the daughter of the head chef at the Paris Hilton and a lovely ballerina. Unfortunately, my mother died when I was quite a young girl, and my father---who had left Malaysia after being cheated out of his fortune by his half-brother---was forced to raise me on his own. I studied in local schools, always running to the hotel after my classes to watch my father and his staff create stunning and elegant meals for the guests. It was all so amazing to me at the time, but little did I know how exciting my future would be!

When asked by Mr. Tracy to join him in America, Father never hesitated to accept his offer to assist him in taking charge of his household and caring for his five sons. Though offered the chance to stay behind in a prestigious boarding school, I declined, being far more interested in being close to my father and discovering the wonders of the United States. I was a bit nervous upon meeting the Tracy family for the first time. Admittedly, I feared that a house full of boys wouldn't be very accepting of a female invading their space. I couldn't have been more wrong. The Tracy boys soon became my friends, mentors and protectors, with Gordon and Alan becoming my playmates, the two of them being closest to my age. To this day we maintain a close relationship, often to be seen fishing, swimming or playing tennis together. And, of course, I'm rather fond of Alan in a romantic way; I think he's minty!

Mr. Tracy has been so very kind and generous to me. I can never repay him for all of the consideration he's shown me. I studied diligently and was a star pupil, all the while fretting about finding a scholarship to pursue a university degree. As is his way, Mr. Tracy rewarded me with a surprise scholarship of his own: he paid my full tuition so that I could earn my degrees in Mathematics and Engineering Technology. To celebrate my graduation, Mr. Tracy even sent me on a European holiday! It was upon my return from London en route to Tokyo on the maiden flight of the supersonic jet, the Fireflash, that I became one of the first people to owe my life to the resourceful actions of International Rescue. I grew up admiring the Tracy brothers for all of their wonderful qualities, but I've never been more proud and thankful for them as I was that day as they rescued over 600 people trapped on that distressed airplane. I'm proud to count myself among the members of such a valiant organization!

Eyes: jade green
Hair: dark brown
Age: 21

Our brave and brainy engineer!
More On IR:
Meet Virgil Tracy
Meet John Tracy
Meet Gordon Tracy
Meet Alan Tracy
Meet Parker
Meet Lady Penelope
Meet Brains
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My Info:
Tin-Tin Kyrano, IR Engineer
Email: [email protected]

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