Meet Parker
'Cor---who's idea was this again?! Blimey, Mr. John don't half come up with some beauties, eh?

Right---listen up, you lot! Parker here, and it appears that I'm meant to fill you in on the part what I play in International Rescue. Me main function, 'course, is as butler and chauffeur to Her Ladyship. Ain't nothing I wouldn't do to protect Lady Penelope, neither, her being one of England's fairest roses. Mind you, Her Ladyship is quite the capable one when it comes to taking care of herself, but I'm always there just to tie up the loose ends and put the boot in to the heavies, as it were.

Aloysius Parker's me name, though them young Yanks have picked up on me old nickname "Nosy" Parker. I suppose you'd call me a "jack of all trades." (I hear you thinking "Jack The Lad," cheeky buggers)! I joined Her Ladyship during her days with the Federal Agents Bureau out of Westminster, back when she needed someone who could be her guide through the more rough-and-tumble areas of the underworld. With me background in safecracking and lock-picking, I've made me'self useful on a number of difficult and dangerous cases. Don't hurt to be a crack shot with a rifle neither, I don't mind telling you!

When we're not after chasing down clues or chasing after a bad'un, I aid her ladyship in hosting coachloads of tourists at Creighton-Ward Manor. Takes a lot to handle those, what with making sure that none of the valuables get pinched. When all is quiet, I enjoy punting on the river adjoining the manor grounds or going down to the local public house. Nothing like a bevvie-up--a pint of lager and a bag of vinegar crisps--to recover from a supersonic trip on board one of them Fireflash jobs or a race up the M-1 behind the wheel of FAB 1. Ain't as flash as Thunderbird 1, mind you, but at top speeds of 200 mph, me and Her Ladyship get where we're going in a hurry, all right, Bob's your uncle.

Eyes: blue
Hair: gray
Age: Wiser not to ask, mate!

Drive, he said!
More On IR:
Meet Virgil Tracy
Meet John Tracy
Meet Gordon Tracy
Meet Alan Tracy
Meet Lady Penelope
Meet Tin-Tin
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My Info:
Parker, International Rescue Organisation
Email: [email protected]

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