
Hang Nhan • Certified Fitness Appraiser, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness 

Instructor • Combat and Teenage Girls and Women’s Self-Defence Instructor


Tel: 613.530.2613 • Email: [email protected]




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Don’t Let Your Health Suffer. Commit to Get Fit.   

  • Is it your goal to get fit but don’t know where to start?

  • Are you working out and not going anywhere with your program?

  • Would you like to increase your strength, flexibility, or aerobic fitness?

  • Are you an athlete, feel like you’re plateauing, and need a conditioning program like SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quickness) to improve your game?

  • Would you like to improve your dietary habits, reduce your body weight or improve your body composition ?

  • Want to learn easy-to-remember self-defence techniques to increase self-esteem and self-confident?

  • Or increase your energy levels?

  • Under stress and need some ways to release it?

If you answer yes to any of the above questions, I can help.

MY Services



To help attain your goals and for a more private workout, I can work with you one-on-one or a small group of two to three people.

I can do a full or preliminary assessment of your fitness level and we’ll work together to set up a workout program to attain your fitness goals. It’s that simple.

I have worked with people of all ages with novice to athletic fitness background.


I am also a group fitness/aerobics instructor. I teach classes such as Stability Ball, Kickboxing, Aerobox, Sculpt, Spin, Low/High Impact and Relaxation. I currently teach at Queen’s University and run my own seniors aerobics program at CFB Kingston.


Need a fitness speaker, workshop or clinic for your club, group or organization? Contact me, I’d be more than happy to.


Active Living is the key to a healthy lifestyle

Kingston's Whig Standard - April 7, 2003

Although Nhan could wipe the floor with most attackers, that’s not what she teaches her students to do. She says she brings a woman’s perspective to protecting yourself….


“The greatest warrior wins without fighting.” Sun Tzu’s “Art of War.” In other words, the best self-defence is avoidance and awareness.

The threat of physical violence affects us all, whether it inhibits us from going where we want, when we want or standing up for ourselves in relationships, at school or in the workplace.

Effective self-defence training can empower you to move more freely in the world and not let fear restrict your life.

My goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment when working through self-defence awareness, situation assessment and physical techniques. I also encourage using the emotions that may come forth (anxiety, anger, and sadness) as a source of power that can allow women to respond effectively in assault situations.

Considering joining the police force? Need help with combat to prepare you for the academy? Come try my raving program that is guaranteed to get you ready!

Private and Group Rates are Available.

Easy to remember and effective "Moves That Work" are taught. Logo Designed by Cameron Liblik

  Queen's Journal - December 2, 2004

After the (attack) simulation, Nhan’s students felt simultaneously empowered and sobered by the very real possibility of such attacks. Nhan considers it her personal mission to teach women in Kingston how to protect themselves.

Hang, in the background, coaches student, Aliyyah Sumar, Nurs ’05, through a night attack simulation.

To contact me:

Phone: 613.530.2613

Email: [email protected]

Kingston ON


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