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Hang Nhan • Certified Fitness Appraiser, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness 

Instructor • Combat and Teenage Girls and Women’s Self-Defence Instructor


Tel: 613.530.2613 • Email: [email protected]




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Calories You Will Never Miss

How do you go about saving 250 calories a day? Here are twenty tips to get you started.

  1. Replace a cup of orange juice (112 calories) with a medium orange (60 calories).

  2. Scramble 1 egg and 1 egg white instead of 2 eggs and save 63 calories.

  3. Substitute 2 tablespoons of reduced fat milk (15 calories) for light cream (59 calories) in your coffee or tea.

  4. Instead of a bakery muffin (200 calories or more), toast 2 slices of whole wheat bread and spread with 2 teaspoons of jam (172 calories).

  5. Eliminate cheese from a sandwich (a 1-ounce slice averages 110 calories).

  6. Make your sandwich open-faced and save 70 calories.

  7. Opt for a cup of vegetable soup (72 calories) rather than a cup of creamy clam chowder (164 calories or more).

  8. Prepare tuna salad with a tablespoon of reduced-fat mayonaise (50 calories) or reduced-fat Italian dressing (26 calories) instead of regular mayonnaise (100 calories).

  9. Use one tablespoon of regular dressing on your salad instead of two and save 80 calories.

  10. Sautéed food in a nonstick skillet with a quick spray of vegetable oil (6 calories) instead of cooking it in 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil (60 calories).

  11. Save 40 calories by drinking 2-ounces of white wine mixed with sparkling water instead of a 4-ounce glass of wine. Or choose "lite" (reduced-calorie) beer instead of regular.

  12. Eat 3 oz. instead of 6 oz. of broiled salmon or T-bone steak and save 175 calories.

  13. Replace the ground beef in meatballs or meat loaf with ground turkey and save 97 calories per 3-oz serving.

  14. Have 1/2 cup of rice instead of a full cup and save 80 calories. Add extra steamed vegetables to cover your plate.

  15. Top a baked potato with 2 tablespoons of salsa (8 calories) instead of sour cream (52 calories).

  16. Eating out? Skip the roll and butter and save 120 calories.

  17. Eat a Fudgsicle (90 calories) for dessert instead of a 1/2 cup of chocolate ice cream (143 calories).

  18. Nibble a miniature chocolate bar (45 calories) instead of eating a full sized bar (90 calories or more).

  19. Buy chips and other snacks in 1-ounce bags. An extra handful or two from a larger bag adds 150 or more calories.

  20. Swap 1 oz of pretzels (111 calories) for an 81-calorie apple.


  • The American Dietetic Association's Complete Food & Nutrition Guide RL. Duyff, Minneapolis: Chronimed Publishing, 1998


How to Stretch your SHOULDERS



How to Stretch

The right way to stretch

  • Breathe easily
  • Relax
  • Tune into your body
  • Focus on muscles and joints being stretched
  • Feel the stretch
  • Be guided by the feel of the stretch
  • No bouncing!
  • No pain!

The wrong way to stretch

  • Holding your breath
  • Being in a hurry
  • Not being focused on your body
  • Stretching while tense
  • Bouncing
  • Stretching to the point of pain

Two Phases

There are two phases to each stretch: the easy stretch and the developmental stretch. They are done one after the other.

The Easy Stretch

Stretch until you feel a slight mild tension and hold for 5–10 seconds. Relax. As you hold the stretch, the feeling of tension should diminish. If it doesn’t, ease off slightly into a more comfortable stretch. The easy stretch maintains flexibility, loosens muscles and tight tendons, and reduces muscle tension.

The Developmental Stretch

Now, move a fraction of an inch farther into the stretch until you feel mild tension again. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Again, the feeling should diminish or stay the same. If the tension increases or becomes painful, you are overstretching — back off into a more comfortable stretch. The developmental stretch further reduces tension and increases flexibility.

Keep the following points in mind

  • Always stretch within your comfortable limits, never to the point of pain.
  • Breathe slowly, rhythmically and under control. Do not hold your breath.
  • Take your time. The long-sustained, mild stretch reduces unwanted muscle tension and tightness.
  • Do not compare yourself with others. We are all different. Comparisons may lead to overstretching.
  • If you are stretching correctly, the stretch feeling should slightly subside as you hold the stretch.
  • Any stretch that grows in intensity or becomes painful means you are overstretching — the drastic stretch. (See page 13.)

Pay attention to how each stretch feels

Hold only stretch tensions that feel good. Relax while you concentrate on the area being stretched.


No bouncing

No pain

How far should I stretch?

Your body is different every day. Be guided by how the stretch feels.

Stretching is not exercise!

You are stretching, not exercising. You don’t need to push it. Stretching is a mild, gentle activity.

Give it 2 to 3 weeks for benefits

The benefits come from regularity. Stick with it and see how you feel in a few weeks.



To contact me:

Phone: 613.530.2613

Email: [email protected]

Kingston ON


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