Looking at Art ~~ Quilt in Perspectives


Rhythm, Unity, and Variety



Artists create visual rhythm in art like musician do.   A visual rhythm makes one think of the same rhythm you hear when one listens to music.  Visual rhythm is created when artists use patterns and the elements of art.



Art that has a look of things fitting well together is said to be unified.  As one of the principle of art, unity is the feeling that everything in the art works well together and appears to sings in uniform.  Elements of art, like shape and color used in repetitious way create unity.


The last principle of art is variety.  When an art is complete, it has variety.  Artist creates variety in an art by making something look different from the rest of the artwork.  Artist use variety to make the viewer look at a certain aspect of the art that makes it interesting.


The lines in the umbrella create rhythm that leads you into the art, while the umbrella it self create variety against the figures (Open Aire Market by Adeola Davies-Aiyeloja)

Forms, Line & Shape Color & Value Patterns & Proportion
Space  & Texture Contrast & Balance Faith Ringgold
Elements of Art Principles of Art State Standards

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