Looking at Art ~~ Quilt in Perspectives



Space and Texture

When creating art, artists need to consider these elements of art; space and texture.  

As an element of art, space is the empty place in or around a piece of art.  Artist create space in two-dimensional and three-dimensional art.  An example of two-dimensional art is painting and three-dimensional art is sculpture.  Space in art is also referred to as positive or negative space.

Another elements of art is texture.  The way something feel to touch is texture.  Texture could be smooth, rough, shinny, scaly, soft, cloudy, windy, wet or slippery.  Artist create  illusion of texture in art like painting, printmaking and drawing.




Forms, Line & Shape Color & Value Patterns & Proportion
Rhythm, Unity & Variety Contrast & Balance Faith Ringgold
Elements of Art Principles of Art State Standards


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